Battle mage secret: Melee Mayhem

in voilk •  3 days ago


    This week we are taking a look at melee mayhem. Love this rule set it opens a lot of play styles experiments. One can take advantage and use many melee units or just the opposite like magic because you expect
    demoralize for instance.


    Melee units may attack from any position

    Official ruleset information from splinterlands: List-of-In-Game-Rulesets

    Abilities Synergies / Strategy

    Demoralize - There is an higher chance on melee units therefor you can counter this by using demoralize which gives melee attack -1. You can stack this i sometime tries to triple the demoralize with
    especially with the shield of Harklaw sometimes the damage is reduced to 0.

    Bloodlust - There are many gladius bloodlust melee card that can become now very useful if you own an soulbound summoners units like:

    When you do not own an soulbound summoner you can also use

    Double Strike - Also melee units with double strike will extra benefit such as:

    My most played units with this ruleset:


    My best performing units with this ruleset (minimal 40 matches):



    No direct avoid. Only be aware of the chance on melee is higher think if you want to counter that or just go with the flow and use more melee units for yourself

    Example battle

    Lets have look at a melee mayhem battle.


    High mana match in combination with little league 🙃. So the max mana will be 28 still with melee mayhem there are enough unit that can be selected.


    Melee Mayhem:
    Rule set of the week. Melee unit may attack from any positon.

    Blood and Sunder:
    All unit will receive corrosive ward. meaning when attacked by melee unit it does max 2 armor damage back and the max armor is reduce by 2 (so less to repair)

    Little League:
    Hate this rule set when there is a high mana match. Only summoners and unit that cost 4 mana or less.

    The Lineup


    Not a lux this time. because lus cost 5 mana 🤣. But with melee mayhem tarsa is a good option with + melee damage.

    Units Lineup


    Venari Heatsmith (lvl 10)
    I expect some extra melee unit therefor I selected this unit to do some return damage in the for of thorns.

    Antoid Platoon (lvl 10)
    Melee unit that is a bit protected for thorn damage might my opponent also choose some thorns unit.

    Xenith Monk (lvl 8)
    The heal i important might i be hit by blast damage or scattershot.

    Scavo Chemist (lvl 10)
    This is a meat shield that slows my opponent and reduces the ranged attack damage.
    Every unit that get killed

    Doctor Blight (lvl 4)
    Important unit in this strategy even tough its not a melee unit this needs to gain as many health as its can with its scavenger and poison all the units.

    Scavo Firebolt (lvl 8)
    A nice damage dealer in the back for only 4 mana 4 damage is great it still has 6 health to withstand some sneak attacks.

    The Battle


    Link to the battle:
    Link to battle


    Start :

    That is a interesting counter play of my opponent. I expected some melee unit then my opponent throws a curve ball with Mylor Crowling is do not often see this unit any more.
    The magic reflect of the Failed Summoner can kill my Doctor Blight. Luckily the return damage of Mylor is somewhat reduce by the shield ability and Xenith Monk can heal the done damage in the next round.
    Lets see how it progress.

    Round 1:

    I need to kill the Failed Summoner before it does more damage against my Doctor Blight that unit is important with the scavenger in my strategy.
    My opponent is doing damage across the board for now its hard to predict the outcome of this battle but i tend to believe with the focus fire in the front i have a small adavantage.

    Round 2:

    The thorn is soing some damage but i can hold up enough by the shield and heal. Doctor blight is gaining some health so far the strategy is working.

    Round 3:

    It seems to pay off my strategy only one heavy hitter left while i have higher speed so will be killing it before it can attack.

    Round 4:



    Nice to see that with a melee mayhem rule set, you can still choose some other units like my opponent did. He expected melee units and tried to counter that with thorns and play magic and range to avoid that. This time I had a more balanced team. Where the thorn damage was reduced enough or healed. I'm very happy with my doctor blight, i wanted this unit for a very long time a few weeks i jumped the fence and bought one, now its very often in my team select especially with little league 😍

    That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this ruleset strategy/analysis. See you all on the battlefield.

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