Introduction Post ! A Man Whose Life is Full Of Struggle.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello Hive Family;
    Assalam o Alekum ( Greetings)

    Brief Introduction

    I am so happy to share all of you a brief introduction about myself. My name is Rai Humair Hassan Khan . I was born and raised up in the city of saints called Multan , Punjab , Pakistan. I am 38 years old and turning to 39 on 9th of November 2024. We are a family of 6 members. My father served in the Pakistan Army for about 20 years.

    Educational Background.

    I got my SSC and Matriculation from Government Islamia High School, Aam Khas Bagh, Multan with Biology, Physics and chemistry as Major Subjects. Then I decided to get education about commerce. Because i do love business. So my father consulted wiht his friend about my interest and decided that i have to got admission in Diploma of Commerce. Diploma duration was two years that time. at the result in 2002 i got my diploma in commerce by the blessing Of Almighty ALLAH.

    At that time i realized that diploma in commerce is not just enough for me to survive and progress in career. at that time age of information technology on its peak. so i decided to do my Bachelor in computer Sciences. i paid my dues but without knowing any reason Unfortunately university rejected my documents for admission. when i got this news i am so much depressed. then Almighty ALLAH gave me strength and new hope. Then I decided to come back to focus on my dream and started my bachelor in Commerce (B.Com) which i completed in 2004. In 2004.....

    A Misfortune

    happen and i got accident with jeep on Highway while driving my bike. my backbone was fractured in that accident. doctors suggested me complete bed rest for at least six months.

    But by passing three months of Accident university open admission for master level in different subjects. i consult with my father and share with him my wish to do Masters in Business Economics. He told me that you are not able to stand on your feet , Doctors force you do complete bed rest for at least six months but there were only three months consumed. you are not in a position to attend your admission test and also not able to attend classes at least three months. but i forced my Dad and request him to please do something i have to got this opportunity and i do not want to waste my one precious year and not like a gap in my academic period. My dad has to agree and consult with admission team of university and share all my medical reports to them. By Blessings Of ALLAH admission committee accept my request and arrange a bed and special instructor for my admission test. i passed my admission test in commerce department and qualified the merit list for all master programs offered by Commerce department at that time. i choose master in business economics and gave application for sick leave for three months. University department allows me sick leave for three months. I joined my classes before two weeks on Mid Exam of First Semester.
    two years of university period flews away. By blessings of ALLAH i completed my Regular Master program from Commerce Department of Baha Ud Din Zikriya University, Multan in 2006 major in Business Economics.

    Career Development.

    In 2006 there was a shift in my life from academic to career growth. in 2006 i started my career as Accountant in a fertilizer broker house. learning in my practical life was started and By Blessings of Allah i found a good Mentor and teacher Late Sarwar Sb. i learned so much from him. he was so kind and helpful for the employees who want to learn and need growth in career. after few months doing job at Brokerage house i requested my Late Sir Sarwar sb that i am free after day end at the job and i want to learn different sectors of the economy, i requested him to add me in their audit team who perform audit and make audit reports of different organization. he accepted my requested and made me part of audit team member. i started doing audit with audit team for different organizations after the job. i served there almost one year and one month there. during audit a manufacturing firm who made chip boards, plywood and plywood doors etc. offering me job as accounts manager there by seeing my passion and hard working towards my work.

    2nd & 3rd Job Experience

    i accepted this offer and starting job their. i served there one year plus. in 2008 i got offer from a big sector of economy that was textile from Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan (Mini Manchester ). i was very much pleased and accepted this job offer and left the plywood manufacturing industry. this was a big achievement in my career. i moved to the big sector of economy. textile sector in pakistan contributed at large in the Gross Domestic Product of the Economy. there was also a big addition in my professional career of a public sector. i learned their a lot of. soon i became the Head of department for Accounts and finance. after serving one and a half year i got interested in ACCA.

    4th Job Experience

    Once again In 2010, I decided to start my Academic era in ACCA after signing Off to Job. once again i enjoying my life as a Student along with my professional career. i daily commute at least 60 kilometer for my study. In 2010 Summer term i choose 2 papers for exam and passed by Blessings of Almighty Allah.
    after passing two papers of ACCA i felt that doing ACCA with job was not a good decision, so i left the job and came back to my home town Multan.

    After spending my vacations, i decided to move to Lahore for further studies. i got admission in a college of Lahore and starting living in a hostel and completely focus on winter attempt of my exams. in this term i again choose two subjects to exam. in September 2010 while staying in Hostel for studies i got sick and my stomach got disturb and i felt so uncomfortable and leave coaching classes due to my health conditions i came back to home and started my stomach treatment. in 2010 December i received my roll no slip and papers schedules announced. i returned to Lahore for attending my exam. i do my exam without preparation. so final result was came out and i passed one paper in December attempt.

    In April 2011 I met with the boss of my friend Saleem Rajab Sb. He hired me as a accountant in Volka food international Pvt Limited. I worked there for about 8 years.


    I got married in 17, and now i am a father of 3, Two Girls and A boy. My Son Name is Haroon and Daughter's name are Taseer Fatima & Wania Zahra. They are the reason of my smile and the reason for me to live.

    How I came to Know about Hive?

    I came to know about Hive From my Brother in Law @itwithsm, I am looking forward to Blog on it on the daily basis. I have a lot to tell, but time is short. Wait for my next blog.

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