Fungi Friday - 3 types of mushrooms that grow abundantly in small forests and they look very beautiful and unique

in voilk •  3 days ago


    Good afternoon all. And on this Friday, I am again preparing some beautiful mushrooms to be displayed in the #FungiFriday Community organized by @ewkaw today.

    Yesterday I went back to hunting for mushrooms in a small forest which is not far from where I live, only a few kilometers. This small forest has lots of rotten tree branches and what's more, two days ago it rained in our village. And on Friday I want to show you some species of mushrooms that I got yesterday, I hope you like it.

    And the first mushroom I found was this Mycena californiensis species and I found it in the bushes of rotten wood fragments, from its shape it was very beautiful with the color of its umbrella that looked very bright and beautiful, and at that time I immediately approached the macro lens towards this mushroom and took some shots of the picture that looked very beautiful and graceful, and you can see it below.

    Mycena californiensis is a species of fungus in the family Mycenaceae.....Wikipedia






    The second one I found this species of Podoscypha fungus in the bushes of dry leaves on the ground, and from the shape of this fungus it was quite large with a slightly yellowish white color and at that time I immediately approached it and took some portraits of the pictures that looked very beautiful and graceful, and you can see below some of these species of fungi.

    Podoscypha is a genus of fungi in the family Meruliaceae. The genus has a widespread distribution, especially in tropical regions, and contains about 35 species.....Wikipedia






    Then I found another species of Schizophyllum mushroom that thrives on a pile of dead wood, and from its shape it looks like a fan with a slightly yellowish white color and has pores that look very unique, and like other mushrooms I immediately took some portraits of the pictures that look very beautiful and graceful, and you can see them below.

    Schizophyllum is a genus of fungi in the family Schizophyllaceae. The widespread genus contains six wood-rotting species.....Wikipedia





    LocationForest Aceh, Indonesia
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