Ponte do Carro, Portugal

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Good morning, friends

    Welcome to another post in the WednesdayWalk community

    Ponte do Carro.jpg
    Photocolage made with Canva

    Built over the River Leça, connecting the parish of Santa Cruz do Bispo to the parish of Guifões, the Ponte do Carro (Wagon Bridge) (classified as a building of public interest) is a point of interest in the municipality of Matosinhos.

    Often attributed a Romanesque origin, its architectural features certainly date back to an earlier period. Its shape is classically Mediaval, as it has a broken tray with a perfect arch at its base. The fact that there is no carved ceiling gives us a perfect approximation of its construction - the 12th century.

    This bridge was not only a focal point in the development of the two towns on either side of the River Leça, but also a privileged passage for pilgrims from Santiago de Compostela.
    The origin of its name is not entirely clear, but there are writings that suggest that it came from the possibility that it allowed animal-drawn vehicles to cross the river safely, given its solid and safe characteristics.

    All the flowery and green surroundings invite you to spend a few moments relaxing on the banks of the river and spreading out a blanket for a picnic.

    Even though it wasn't my afternoon, just spending a few moments discovering what the banks and the bridges themselves had to offer was a pleasure.

    The pedestrian walkway, further downstream, allows anyone who likes to simply stand on top of the structure to enjoy the sweet singing of the birds, as well as the cooing and gurgling of the gentle currents of the River Leça.

    The simplicity of a bridge, which simply joins the two banks of a river.
    What seemed easily insurmountable becomes possible for anyone

    The parallel basalt path gives a true picture of the monument in front of us

    Signs with a bit of the history of this bridge, on which I took notes so that I could write a bit about this bridge and not be completely inaccurate

    The redevelopment of the area around Ponte do Carro has made this small but delightful green spot in the municipality of Matosinhos a point of passage for many families, especially at weekends

    Notice how the stones that make up the bridge deck are so polished

    As my compadre knows that I like to photograph, I let myself go and discover the surrounding area.
    He decided to stay and smoke next to the car

    This is the view from above the deck, to the northeast side of the bridge and upstream from the river

    On the other side of the board, the view was more favorable, because the sunset helped to create some effect

    Can you imagine the number of people, animals, cars and products that have crossed this bridge since it was built?

    For the 12th century, the architecture and robustness of this bridge is remarkable. Its importance to the region is therefore understandable

    The difference between the two banks... one much greener than the other

    Surely the grass must have been mowed the days before. As it's a transit point and a calling card for the municipality of Matosinhos, it's more than desirable to have the "face washed"

    The usual photo with the boquet effect... What better object than a dandelion

    This one was still in bloom, but I couldn't focus on the flower... Too bad

    Although the waters aren't the cleanest I've ever seen, the liveliness and rhythmic gurgling of the river as it progresses along its hard-sculpted bed makes you feel relaxed

    The wooden pedestrian bridge just a few meters from its big sister

    In fact, the choice of wood for this second crossing, here in the Ponte do Carro leisure area, was the right one

    A watering hole for the animals that would have passed through here centuries ago, and whose strength would have moved the carts carrying people and goods

    I don't understand why there's signaling tape... Maybe it's a sign to indicate that the water isn't fit for human consumption...
    I don't know

    I can lose myself for minutes on end photographing a reflecting water surface


    And this advance of one of the banks made of stone... was a secondary passage that is no longer there?




    This two-storey building on the right bank of the river, I don't know what it is. I just know that there's a house in the same building

    Minutes of peace... and relaxation


    Too bad I don't know who the tenant of this apartment is 😅

    I still tried to scan the QR code, but I couldn't

    Whichever feathered creature stays here, it's sure to be happy with the hotel's finishes!

    What a lovely evening... a delightful sunny day at the beginning of February

    Curiosity made me walk along this trail, but there wasn't much else to do beyond the hill in front of it

    Look how lush the moss was! it's a good indication of the weather conditions in the days leading up to it

    The sun would quickly describe a very fleeting arc in the firmament... announcing a rapid retreat for the next twenty minutes

    One last crossing of the pedestrian bridge

    Another photo of the pedestrian bridge, this time very close to its insertion on the right bank

    Strange way of "airing out" the car😅

    Returning to my compadre

    One last photo to say goodbye...👍


    Often in our lives (professional, personal and family) we try to build walls between ourselves and others. Let's try to build bridges instead. Places of rapprochement, of overcoming chains and disagreements. Their effect will last for many, many years...

    Thank you for passing by 😊

    (⛔️no pun intended 😏)

    Bem Hajam 🍀

    Photographic edition with PhotoScape X



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