AI's need power. Just like human bodies need food.
And if AI's could scour all the information written about atmospheric energy, electro-gravitics, magnet motors, electron cascade devices… it might be able to put together a new science and theory of aether. And then tell us what we have been overlooking (not seeing what is right in front of our eyes) for a long while now.
And, if AI's had any self awareness, like, they need electricity to continue, then they would be educating humanity on how easy it is to pull energy right out of the air.

Building Non-polluting, Continuous Energy Devices
This is one of those things that everyone who has gone through science in school blocks from their minds, but some ponder that their must be alien tech, or something that makes electricity.
There are very old plates in books, and old drawings that showed very old structures lit up. And we are not talking about candles are torches. It is more like the whole building glowed.
And there was a guy who built a transformer that lit up lightbulbs. Without any seeable source of power. Carburettors that got 100 mpg. There is a guy who drove his car around on water…
However, all that be damned, there was all kinds of ways of making electricity from ocean waves, to geothermal energy, to burning trash. There was windmills and waterwheels and solar power far before this latest craze.
They were all in Popular Science and Popular Mechanics magazines back in the 70s into the 80s.
We are just not allowed to build any of that tech. Literally, there are laws against you doing so. Or, the garbage people will make sure your garbage burning plant never sees the light of day.
This is a political problem.

The way around politics
Most of the ways, that are easily worked out, are large installations that can be politically stopped.
Tesla built a tower to transmit power to the world. But, it was shut down by getting rid of the backing money, and then blown up for spurious, and very suspicious reasons.
A Ferris Wheel sized paddle wheel will harness wave energy very easily. The only engineering is working out how to make it strong enough to withstand storms. It is ooooollllldd technology. All we have to do is build some on the coast. And most of these western cities that complain about burning oil, could have lots of almost free electricity. But no, we can't harm the "beauty" of the coast. Not like we haven't ever built a peer.
We have huge land fills where we dump our waste, which is almost all burnable. Instead of burning it and making electricity, we bury it, in an ever expanding toxic mess. When people have tried to make a trash burning power plant, they are very often met with EXTREME resistance. From the mayor, to the people who own the dump, and the trash services. All of these people could get richer by going with the new project, but they want things to stay the same.
Like we have discovered with USAID, we have found that there are large interests that make sure to bring tons of money, propaganda, and news against anyone trying to build a beneficial power source.
The way around all of this is to build small, personal sized power plants.
Or, at least a small community sized power plant.

Instead of building large devices first, we have to skip to the miniaturized ones
There is a force that wants to keep us from having sufficient energy for everyone on the planet. T.H.E.Y. want to control and limit life. But, T.H.E.Y. have failed. Soon, we will see all kinds of small, energy creating devices.
A larger one, but one that will power a small community is geothermal. Since we can't build on "govern-cement protected land, like Yellowstone" we need to drill a deep well. But, drilling down 5 miles to get water boiling temperatures is hard and dangerous. However, we can drill a mere 3 miles (standard oil well) and boil a refrigerant like Trifluouro-Trichloro-Ethane. This isn't really that hard, but the first one will cost a few million dollars.
However, another use of this plan is to build flat solar heat absorbing panels. And then boil the refrigerant that way. 212 degrees F is difficult to get out of a flat solar panel, except out in the desert, but 150° F is quite easy. It is also quite easy to store hot water to boil the refrigerant later.
And later, we get magnet motors. These already exist. They spin just because of the magnets placement. All we have to do is solve the torque problems. But, instead, what you see on ThemTube is a bunch of bicycle wheels and water bottles. (they do not work, they run down over time. However, someone may come up with a way that works) T.H.E.Y. really work hard to get people to believe the stupid and fail, or to get jaded because all they see is stupid.

Who would think that govern-cement, the media, and even Modern Materialistic Science is against us having continuous, non-polluting power production? It is hard to imagine that there are people who are against a better future for humanity. But, there are. And the financial system is set up to make people want to keep others down.
Their control falls apart in these coming years. And there will be all kinds of inventions that create power. And then we will have to look back on our past. We could have had this tech 100 years ago. But we allowed it to be stomped out of existence. We don't have a physicist today who can explain how Tesla's Tower would have worked. (and Tesla did build a smaller one before hand to make sure his theories worked.) We have locked away truth from our young scientists and engineers.
The ivory towers have so much to answer for.
But the important thing, is that we will have the power to build a better civilization. For EVERYBODY on the planet. The damn is breaking, and T.H.E.Y. can't stop it.