We saw the togetherness of the children, they were so happy because they could play as much as they wanted

in voilk •  5 months ago


    Assalamualaikum wr wb?
    Hello friends, how are you? I hope you are fine wherever you are, today I will tell you a little about children, here you can see how happy the children are. Two of the children are my sons and the other two are nephews. I think they are very happy with playing, what children prioritize is playing, I don't care about my son getting dirty with the ground, the most important thing is that he is happy, their happiness is the most important thing for a mother, when my first son is playing, I don't know whether he hungry and went into grandma's house to get some rice, I thought he was hungry, my son was very lazy when he was told to go home and eat at home he said it was good to eat at grandma's house and I just let him eat, the important thing was that he ate, there was no problem eating at grandma's place anyway her grandmother is my mother 😀, my sister and I are always at our mother's house here we joke and laugh together, that's how it is if you are still close to your mother, you are always together, I don't want to move to another place because here I can see my father's condition and my mother every hour, every minute, even every second, I will always monitor her condition.



    My son eats and the others play, my other nephew doesn't live here, he's a little far from my village, if we live, we think we can earn a living, and my nephew's father can easily earn a living in his own village, so he doesn't live here, my son is very happy when my nephew comes home to the village, coincidentally he came home because a cousin was having a wedding, so my sister came back here and stayed here two nights, my son was very happy with him, playing chasing and seeking and playing marbles, it makes them very happy and laugh happily, when we gather like this, don't our children also be like that, I feel alone because my sister is here, I am very happy and tell a long story.



    They sat on the ground straight away because they were playing in the dust, my little son also came with them even though he was still very small, sometimes they also fought because they didn't agree when playing so in the end they fought with each other, we didn't just keep quiet, we correct the mistakes made and make them play again, children are very easy to correct when they don't want to play together, my two sisters and I see our children's behavior, they are very funny, it makes us happy, a comfort for When they can play as they like without us forbidding them, they play like this and they really enjoy hanging out together.



    Mothers feel tired because they have to look after and obey all their children's wishes. One day we will feel the happiness that will be fulfilled by our children. I hope you will be pious and devoted children to your parents. As a mother, I don't expect anything from you. my children, when you grow up I will miss your childhood days like this, you are great children, when you grow up, I hope you can be successful in the future, don't keep looking back, keep looking forward, because success is ahead, the important thing is to try and a mother's prayers are always with you, dear, this is just a short story from me, I hope you like the post and thank you.

    Thank you


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