Spending free time during the holidays is sometimes boring

in voilk •  4 months ago
    Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

    Hello friends how are you all? Hope you all are very well and healthy, I am also very well with your prayers and God's grace.

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    When we get leave we feel a lot of joy, in student life we used to feel more joy on holiday, then we used to be very happy when we got leave, now when we come to working life we get a lot of joy even if we get leave, although we don't feel good when we have long leave, if we have long leave Then it feels very boring, I think when the vacation is over I can go back to work.

    Yesterday our Madrasa had a holiday, and after a few days the month of Ramadan will start, this entire month of Ramadan our Madrasah will be closed, after Eid our Madrasa activities will start again, now because of the holiday it is very good, but after a few days it will not feel good, then very upset It will take, the desire to go to the workplace will awaken in the mind, it will not feel good to sit idle.

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    It is very good when you get a short day off from all situations, just hearing about vacation in student life makes you happy, it is very good to get a vacation in both student life or working life, because when you get a vacation, you can take a little break from work, to work. When people get bored doing or studying, they need some relaxation, and this relaxation should be done through holidays.

    After the vacation, when he is done relaxing, his work gets a new speed, he can start working anew and study in a new way, which is very beneficial for his study or work, but if he studies continuously without any vacation. As he continues to do and work, he becomes reluctant to study and work, and a sense of resentment sets in.

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    For this reason occasional vacations are necessary to focus more on studies and increase interest in work, and during vacations it is necessary to travel to different places, because there is no opportunity to travel during vacations, to enjoy both mind and body while traveling during vacations. can, and students can study properly and workers can do their work properly.

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