Walking among nature and energy. 🌿

in voilk •  3 months ago


    I often wonder if castles in medieval times really did have beautiful, flowery gardens. I like to imagine that they did.

    Walking these paths gives me a lot of peace and joy. This place has everything I like, plants, trees, flowers, birds and cats.


    On the main path there is always a small feline that comes out to meet me. They always come out to meet me and I love that.



    They enjoy the peace and quiet and the sunshine through the trees. Some are very friendly and others watch me from afar. Where there are cats there is always good energy.

    And speaking of energy, my steps in this place transport me and make me think of warriors, castles, I have always liked that.




    Today here you can breathe in nature, you can hear the birds chirping. But in another time maybe it was full of warriors, horses, fights and in my mind I imagine them.

    Every rock, every step of every staircase I climb or descend tells me of history, a very ancient one. Mixing the natural with history is fascinating.

    On this walk the energy was the protagonist, because although each place has its ancient memories and an energy of that time, nature takes care with its brightness, the air and the sun to clean any bad energy and change it.




    I like to explore and these gardens seem endless, narrower paths, others wider, some climb steeply and you have to make a great effort.

    But the effort is worth it, for beautiful and energising views. Whether it is a view of flowers or birds or a view of the city.
    Many times, being at the top, I looked down to find beautiful views.


    No matter what shape the tree trunks or roots are, nature is always magical.

    I love finding hidden trails. Maybe they are not really hidden, but they are new to me and I am always looking forward to where it will take me, what new place I will see or where it leads to.

    It's a great place to have a picnic or just sit and breathe in the fresh air and admire what's around.


    I love colours, so discovering so much colour in the flowers is a joy for my eyes.


    New stairs, which I always wonder where they lead me.


    Stairs go up or down depending on the point of view you look at them from. I have always liked them, no matter if they are man-made or natural stairs.




    They are like life, they represent it and go up or down depending on the perspective of life.



    One of them led me to an almost hidden space where several pigeons were eating, there are always a lot of them there. I think someone feeds them several times a day.

    It was beautiful to see them grouped together, and not fighting over food. A nice community.



    Walking among the trees is very good for the mind, clearing it and filling it with positive thoughts. It is also good for solving problems. Many times when you stop thinking about a problem, the solution comes and nature can help with that.

    I don't know if nature looks at us, but I think it likes to be admired and to be joined with it, after all we are part of it.

    As in life, this hike had many steps, and each place to be discovered was just as beautiful as the last or with different surprises.


    Structures already in disuse, but equally beautiful, because they speak of a time.



    The sun's rays intermingled with the leaves and the magic appeared. I love magic.


    I also like the theme of colour in nature, she is mostly green and green is health, so walking and enjoying her is healthy both physically and mentally.

    The good energy that this walk brought was very good for me and my mind, walking is healthy wherever it is, but even more so among flowers, trees and animals.

    Thank you all for joining me on this Wednesday walk. Best regards and see you next time.

    All photographs are my own.

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