Can Web3 Games get the basics right?

in voilk •  5 months ago

    It is my first time posting in the Rant, Complain, Talk community. It is sometimes good to have a rant and get things off of your chest.

    Having been active in the web3 space the last couple of years, I have seen quite a bit now thanks to Hive. There have been lots of projects come and go, promises made and broken. And we are where we are, hopefully further along than we were before.

    However, I am finding my tolerence and patience for web3 projects really waining, especially when they cannot even get some of the basics right. I'm not going to name names, but there are plenty about to see.

    Today I wanted to play a game after a couple of months hiaitus and needed to install it on my new PC. A simple task you might think..


    As Charlie Murphy famously said.. Wrong! Instead of being able to download the game, it kept taking me in a loop of logging in and then clicking Play the Game over and over again. A really painful experience and I would give up here normally. I mean, I don't NEED to play the game.

    OK, things can go wrong, life isn't pefect, so going to the FAQ or help and support section should help out...


    Again, nothing of use there to help. The website is a nightmare to navigate. In the support section, the majority of people have clicked that the pages are unhelpful too, which should be a hint to improve them.

    There is no guidance of the process to install the game, no link to the download page, no place to go if you have trouble downloading.

    After some messages to support, I was given a link to download the game. I cannot fathom, why would downloading a web3 game be so difficult? Why does a basic step have to be so complicated? Why are we even downloading games when we have browsers to play them in.

    If these teams can't organise to download a game easily enough for people, what else can't they do? (Tokenomics- run for the hills!)

    Line Steppers

    It is not limited to just this one off experience I had today, and it is not just this team, is seems habitual, it is throughout the web3 space that many simple things you would expect to work, just don't work:

    No Help Guides

    Buggy Websites

    Complicated Registration (why even needed ?) and Login

    Launching of a game when there is no game yet made.

    Hard to understand tokenomics process

    Launching a game that no one knows how to play

    Boring staking NFTs or farming tokens.

    Incomprehensible NFTs

    Huge amounts of stats need to be calculated in Excel to do something

    Errors or lag in game

    The list goes on. I can understand this at the start of web3, but now web3 has been around for a while and these problems should be ironed out.


    If you are making a game, you should at least make some instruction how to play it! These things may seem intuitive to a developer who has created the game and uses every day, but most people just want things to work. Switch on and go!

    Until web3 starts moving in this direction, it will remain just a niche thing. The user experience sucks and everything seems overly complicated and needs to improve.

    Anything annoys you about web3?

    Thanks for reading my rant!

    mypathtofire divider.jpg


    Title image created using source.

    Memes from their respective sources.

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    Let's connect : mypathtofire

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