Dangerous Market : A Freewrite

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Iran know the danger ⚡ they are standing on...d regime is weak, dysfunctional and not so strong as before and its people are tired ...they have so much problems that Iran largely relies on Proxies to do their bidding.....this is their most effective tool.
    Any external war with Iran fully engaged will just crack and break the powers that hold it cos this will fall apart....as the center can no longer hold 😹😹😹
    This is why they re using style to tell us not to involve 😹😹😹 Try ursef nah 😆
    Everybody is trying to secure their own economy so if u nor wise, u go just collect for nothing
    Saudi don't necessarily like Iran
    They re many politics to these things
    So Iran is confused and don't know how best to respond that it will not hurt itself
    The thing is.. Even if there's war.. People will still run to crypto for remittance.. Tho during war, cash at hand is Gold 💯
    BTC is not at the moment seeing all these necessarily
    Time and time again has shown
    People will always seek ways to hedge their billions
    Nothing stops bitcoin.. I hope you know it's 66k+?
    It was 16k few months ago

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