Enjoying ice cream on a hot day.

in voilk •  4 months ago


    ¡Saludos amigos de Hive & Liketu! | ¡Greetings friends of Hive & Liketu!

    ¡Feliz viernes! Deseo para todos un feliz y productivo fin de semana. Como cada semana hoy nos toca salir a hacer las compras necesarias para abastecernos pero ya les hablaré de eso en otro momento, hoy mas bien les traigo unas fotos de nuestro dia loco de ayer, y digo loco porque lo fue en todo sentido.

    Happy Friday! I wish everyone a happy and productive weekend. Like every week, today we have to go out and do the necessary shopping to stock up, but I'll talk to you about that another time, today I bring you some photos of our crazy day yesterday, and I say crazy because it was crazy in every sense.

    Ultimamente ha estado fallando el servicio electrico por aca, siempre nos sentiamos afortunados de que en nuestra zona nunca se iba la luz pero de un tiempo para aca ha estado fallando mucho y el dia de ayer tuvimos un corte de 5 horas desde las 12 del mediodia, justo la hora cuando ibamos a cocinar y debido a eso no pudimos almorzar sino hasta las 5 pm cuando por fin regreso el servicio.

    Lately the electrical service has been failing here, we always felt lucky that the power never went out in our area but for some time now it has been failing a lot and yesterday we had a 5 hour outage starting at 12 noon , just the time when we were going to cook and because of that we couldn't have lunch until 5 pm when the service finally returned.

    Por otro lado el calor no era normal y aunque no nos quedaba otra opcion que esperar a tener luz nuevamente decidimos de ultimo momento salir al centro comercial y esta vez no era a pasear sino a refrescarnos un poco, por suerte alli si habia luz y pudimos sentarnos un rato en la feria a refrescarnos no solo con el aire acondicionado y la musica de fondo sino que tambien aproveche y me compre un helado en Dominic, esta vez probando un sabor diferente, Dominic Cream Fresa que por cierto estaba delicioso.

    On the other hand, the heat was not normal and although we had no other option but to wait for light again, we decided at the last minute to go out to the shopping center and this time it was not to walk but to cool off a little, luckily there was light there and we were able to sit for a while at the fair to cool off not only with the air conditioning and the background music but I also took advantage and bought an ice cream at Dominic, this time trying a different flavor, Dominic Cream Strawberry which By the way it was delicious.

    Pasamos un buen rato alla y nos regresamos a casa con la esperanza de que la luz volviera pronto pero fue a las 5 pm que llego y por fin pudimos cocinar para almorzar, en definitiva un dia de locos.

    We had a good time there and we returned home hoping that the power would come back soon but it was at 5 pm that it arrived and we were finally able to cook for lunch, in short a crazy day.

    ¡Gracias por detenerte a leer! Todas las fotografias son de mi propiedad.
    Fotografias capturadas con mi Samsung Galaxy A12
    Separador de texto elaborado en Canva.
    Nos vemos en mi proxima publicacion.
    ¡Tengan un feliz dia!

    ¡Thanks for stopping to read! All photographs are my property. Photos captured with my Samsung Galaxy A12 Text separator made in Canva. See you in my next post. ¡Have a happy day!

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