The Guilty Pleasure of Meat Pilfering

in voilk •  3 months ago


    Can you just picture yourself entering a kitchen filled with the symphony of sizzling spicy and bubbling broths, and your eyes met with the tantalising pot of stew or soup that simmers on the stovetop? The whole place is filled with sweet aromas, the air thick with anticipation, stirring the senses and igniting primal urges, and in your vulnerable state, the temptation to sneak a taste becomes overwhelming.

    The pot, like a forbidden treasure chest filled with an array of succulent meats — tender chunks of beef, chicken, fish, and pork marinating in different flavours carefully crafted by the chef. Each bubble and kiss emanating from within trying to beckon you, whispering for you to move closer. The temptation is just too high not to succumb while satisfying your ecstasy.

    The guilty pleasure of taking meat from the pot is something I have battled with for years and do not seem to stop anytime from now. This has been with me since I was a child as I cannot seem to take my mind off the succulent meats of different kinds from the pot. Even when it brings joy at that instant, the guilt felt immediately melts my heart and would try to stop but cannot.

    This pleasure of sneaking meats from the pot is not to satisfy one's hunger but it is just an act of rebellion against culinary etiquette. I used to dodge every other chore except I was in a happy mood to gladly accept them, but when it comes to boiling and frying meats, I am always found volunteering to be in the service not minding how large the pot containing meats would be and that is because of the joy knowing my satisfaction would be reached. I don't usually consider others at home once I am handling that aspect but it's always a guilt that comes after especially when I start to count the number of meats I have sneaked into my mouth.

    This does not happen to meats alone but to other delicious and spicy dishes that melt the whole atmosphere. This guilty indulgence is one borne out of impatience, desire and the irresistible urge to savour the aroma wafting from the simmering cauldron of culinary creation. I don't seem to be patient enough as I want to take every bite of the delicious meal without letting it cool and most times, I pay the consequences when my tongue collides with the hot and spicy meal.


    My friend asked me one day if this is what I will be doing when I am married and I replied that as long as I am in the kitchen and my husband performs his duty by leaving money behind, then, I won't stop. Of course, I pray we are wealthy 😌 I never knew it was a guilty pleasure even though I know it is a bad habit as it devoid one from saving more. My pot of stew that contains lots of meats does not last 2 days even when I have calculated it to last me for more than 4 days but my eyes do not move away whenever I move around the kitchen, I must take something until I see there is no much left in the pot and at that time, I would take pity on people that are at home so I don't act too wicked to satisfy my temptation.


    I bought a live chicken last month, normally it should have lasted me over a week and some days, but the temptation to keep sneaking every time I entered the kitchen made it finished in 4 days. On the 5th day, it dawned on me and I felt the guilt of selfish desire and lack of management. This is more reason that when I buy meats, I try to chop some of them into smaller pieces so that even if I keep taking meat from the pot, it would still last me up to the period it is supposed to last.

    I am still finding ways to stop this guilty pleasure because I might feel the joy and satisfaction at some point, but the guilt is always there especially knowing how I have cheated some people in the house and not thinking about others. But if there are ways to stop this, I would gladly appreciate it 😅

    All images belongs to me

    Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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