The End Of The Group ~ No Turning Back | Season 2 Episode 5

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hello, gamers of Hive. I hope you all are doing A-OK today.



    Today marks the last episode of the season and also the last time I will be seeing Clem and Kenny together. The characters resembling Lee keep running out... yet I will be showing you guys how the scene developed according to the choices I made.

    Without further ado, let's begin.

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    The scene starts with Kenny reminiscing over his time with his family. What he would give to see see son, to touch his wife's face again. Clem tried to distract him from his hurtful memories by asking him to join the rest of the crew by the fire. He complied.

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    She also brought in Jane who had kept her distance from the crew since she knew that it was her fault that the observation deck was not successfully scouted. Clem brought her the booze and Jane took a nip. She shared her time as a child, she was a menace.

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    And so, the group slept a sleep of extreme relaxation after a good number of days where they did not have to worry about zombies, only the shortage of food for themselves and the baby was a problem.

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    They left the power station at dawn and walked for a few hours before they reached the "promised" house, the place with a huge amount of food for everyone and warmth as told by the Russian, Arvo. The problem was that they had to cross the frozen lake.

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    Clem suggested that they cross over together but spread out not to make the ice break off. And for the most part, it was working. They made it halfway across and almost reached the house. A few walkers were chasing them in the lake but the ice beneath them broke and they fell off.

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    Sadly, Luke wasn't that lucky. His gun was an extra load that made his steps heavier and thus he stepped onto the ice with a little extra pressure.

    Its Choosing Time

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    The ice broke and he fell into the icy cool water. Clem had a choice, either save him or cover him so that he could climb out of it. I chose to cover him.

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    It did not matter though as he died from the intense freezing water. Clementine fell right after she had tried to break the ice and get him but she was too late. Fortunately for her, she was rescued by Bonnie. Clem was shivering like a building before it collapses.

    And that's the end of Luke, the leader of the fallen group.

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    When they entered the house, they found out that the Russian guy made up the "food" part and that there was very little for each of them. Kenny got mad when he found the Russian guy was being repulsive and would not apologize for his actions. Kenny beat the Russian yet again.

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    At the very least, they started a source of heat in the fireplace and helped Clem from freezing up in this wintery weather. Jane was more upset that Luke was dead. Mike was warming up to the ruskie that just betrayed them. Kenny was trying to repair a truck, just like he was working on the RV back at the motor inn. Kenny planned that they would leave the place by nightfall.

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    But, sadly the group members did not like the idea of leaving that very night. Their reason to turn down the road that night was that they might run into another herd of walkers. So, everyone went back inside.

    Clem and Kenny sat inside the vehicle and talked about their journey ahead. Kenny trusted Clem's judgment about bringing the others with them for their survivability. Kenny decides to head out once morning arrives. Clem went back inside and slept.

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    She didn't get to sleep all that long since the commotion outside cut her sleep short.

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    When she approached the perps, she found that Mike, Arvo, and Bonnie were trying to hotwire the truck and had already packed all the supplies with them. Naturally, she could not back down without alerting Jane and Kenny.

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    She shouted for Jane and Kenny but Arvo shot her in the shoulder. The miserable perps left Clem on the road to bleed while they made their escape. The last thing she heard was Kenny shouting at Mike saying, "What did you do?".

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    This traumatic incident took her to a moment where she felt most safe, back in the RV when they were fleeing from the bandits at the motor inn. She asked if she could get by life without hurting anyone. Lee told her that it would be very difficult not to. They talked for a while before Clem came to the real.

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    She woke in the car with Kenny driving. Unsurprising, they were arguing. They were blocked by a curfew. Kenny went outside to check things out while Jane, Clem, and the baby were in the car. It had been a while and Kenny hadn't returned.

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    Clem took the wheels and ran over a few zombies until one of them got stuck to the windshield. They abandoned the car and got separated.

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    They were reunited in a gas station but Jane played a trick. She convinced Clem and Kenny that she couldn't save AJ from a walker. Kenny got furious and was out for Jane's blood. They started to squabble which led to fighting. Clem tried to remain neutral and pushed away Kenny and Jane from each other's throats but they kept at it.

    It's choosing time

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    Eventually, it came to this choice, whom should Clem save. I chose to shoot Kenny since he was the most savage given the situation. Kenny later apologized to Clem in his final moments and told how he had let her down. He was at peace knowing that he would be united with his wife and child.

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    Jane showed Clem that AJ was never in any danger and wanted to show Clem that Kenny was a threat to them both. Clem was furious but I chose to forgive her. Now, that I think about it, I should've turned her down for her heartless and stupid action.

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    9 days later, Clem and Jane make it back to the superstore that Carver owned. They went over the workings and discovered that they could stay there for a while with a little work on the boards.
    Finally, a family approached Clem and asked if they could come inside. I let them in thinking that they could potentially help me with the workings of the fences and other defensive work.

    And that's how the second season of The Walking Dead Ends

    My Choices

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