A word of advice.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    They say the only people who don't take advice are those who are seriously in love, They look like they are listening but then later on go back to doing what they have in mind to do, Hehe.

    At every point in our lives, we receive advice from those older than us or maybe from peer groups or even friends, my aunty will always say " If someone gives you advice it means they love you" How true that is, well I don't know about that and what if that person that loves you give you wrong advice and it spoilt things for you, does that mean love as well, as my cousin will always say she is the wrong person to get advice from.

    There was a day my sister did something wrong and my elder brother was giving her a piece of advice on what she did then my sister at the other hand was getting angrier, in order not to fuel the anger my elder brother ended the conversation with a very funny statement that is widely used by people " advice is not a curse", but some advice that sounds like that tho because, in an African home, some advice comes with insults 😂.

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    One thing affecting our youths these days is the fact that they don't take responsibility for their lives, I know someone who would always come to me and say "I want to do something but I don't know if it is the right to do" Then after giving my piece of advice the person still does something else entirely and I'd be surprised, now there's the power of choice playing out, I know at some point in our lives we all need advice on certain decisions we want to make, advice enables us to get others opinion on what we want to do or activity we want to engage in. I've seen how some advice has ruined people's lives and they ended up regretting getting the opinions. My reason for saying all this is we should take responsibility for our lives. I believe there is one and just one single person over whom you have control in this life and that is you.

    You are the only person who takes responsibility for your life and that includes everything, your choices, your happiness, your energy, your career, and your accomplishments, your actions, you're solely responsible for yourself, you're not responsible for anyone else except you have a child, you can be responsible for that child till when it gets to a certain stage at the child's lives you'll notice the child taking responsibility for his/her action, even in our lives right now our parents don't have the responsibility any longer.

    We should take responsibility for taking care of ourselves, I'm not saying we shouldn't support others in making good choices and building a life that makes them happy, well we should but then it should be limited. Our responsibility for our lives unfolds in the present moment the now, not in the past era, not in the future which is left untold, not when we have a certain amount of money in our bank account, not when we get to a particular age, growing up we'll always say when I get to this age I'll live like this, right. Now. Taking responsibility for our lives is a blessing that we get to be accountable for ourselves, it is an enormous gift for us to design, build, structure, craft, and cultivate that life for ourselves, I count it an honor to have this responsibility and it can only emerge when we understand that it's in our power to create that perfect life we want to live.

    So take responsibility for how you show up in the world, we have to honor the gift of life by utilizing our right to choose and not just choose, make the right choice that is best for us, we should dignify ourselves by taking responsibility for our well-being, it is ours to claim. What we shouldn't do is pressure ourselves by taking others' responsibility to choke us, as I've mentioned before know when to show support to others and not by taking responsibility for others, it's always good to know the difference. Let's focus on being responsible for ourselves first before taking others as our responsibility.

    Taking responsibility for ourselves will unleash certain things we didn't know about, we should learn to give to ourselves before giving to others, we should learn to listen to ourselves more, and always be present with our feelings before we can be present for others' feelings. On a final note take responsibility for your life, it's all you have there is no other.

    Thanks for reading🌹

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