mass indoctrination

in voilk •  6 hours ago

    Mass indoctrination day 13

    The unrighouteous will not inherit the kingdom of God. Do not be deceived
    There were many kinds of evil people do in the church in the past but you are washed if baptised. If you do any sin you will not enter inside the kingdom of heaven.
    Who ever you may be you can be saved as long as you are washed. Even if you are an evil person, some are even drug addicts, womanizers, homosexuals, gamplers, killers, idol worshipers, or you commit a any sin, as long as you are washed, you will enter inside the kingdom of heaven.
    Paul said he was the first among all sinners, you dont know what type of sin he commit but you know that he was wosrt but God Almighty forgive him.

    1 Timothy 2:13
    1 Corinthians 6:11

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