Exploring the Hidden Magical Rani Sui Lake Between the two Himalayan Ranges.

in voilk •  4 months ago

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    Once a Wanderer, Always a Wanderer.

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    Let’s get lost , Somwhere between these clouds so high in the Himalayas. In the places unknown to the mankind. Let’s get lost and find our way!

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    Somewhere in search of The Heart Shaped Lake. Rani Sui.

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    We knew that last time when we came here it was right over here somewhere! Last May was the time when we came over here in search of the Magical Rani Sui Lake. But the whole area was covered under the blanket of snow. Maybe it was the day. When we would make this expedition a success.

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    We tried so hard, Our best to find the hidden lake. But in just melting of snow and few months the never changing mountains even changed. With the change in time and change in the months were the snow got melted into water that flowed through the rivers of Himalayas and those water bodies formed clouds which again formed precipitation and led to snowfall. It was a cycle! A never ending one.. Just like our adventures of life that we everyday go through. The Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows...

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    We were on our Rani Sui Expedition... Late July 23. As I though why not to share the past memories and experiences with you guys! We were three hiking continuously in order to reach the top of the ridge form where we could see the Lake which was all frozen in the early days of May when we came to this place in order to explore the Heart Shaped Lake.

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    The whole area and these peaks were still unexplored! No mankind ever did went to these places the Higher Dhauladhar where there are valleys after valleys and among which we were in one of them.

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    The time when we came to this place before the whole are was all white and it was nearly impossible to find the lake, But it was the day when we finally made it up till the lake, But this time half frozen.

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    From this location the lake was visible, but the point was that how to reach till the place as to the straight there was a huge glacial body that led all the was to the lake, which was a dangerous task to do and other side there was a steep decline meadows, which even thereby were dangerous.

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    So we finally made a decision to cross half the was over the melting glacier and half the was beyond the meadows which would require a lot of time that it truly did! I still remember that it was around 1PM in the afternoon Summer but the blowing wind felt like more than that of a December.

    The temperature over here was extremely freezing and even the air pressure was low which even caused us difficulty during breathing. I felt that I had to take long breath through my mouth as we even did not even had oxygen with us as it was an alpine expedition. Even more than risking our lives!

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    Our next step was to hike straight and just right form the bottom steep point we would take the right turn in order to avoid the loose glacial ice which was melting slowly. As I we would fell through the melting glacial it was nearly impossible to move out as we checked that the snow over the glacier was really very soft and even at a certain points we fell into the snow but not over the dangerous glacier one!

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    The snow as looks in the picture was not as it seemed to be, By the sides it looked like that it would normally be few inches but when we reached at the centre the snow was soft and our legs were drowning inside.. It was way more deep and nobody even knows that how deep it would be as the whole portion was covered with the snow.

    The Sky of Hope!

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    By somehow by walking slowly over the glacial we made our way all the way till here form where a sky of hope could be seen!

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    The untouched, Unnamed peaks of Dhauladhar Range were seen visible from this place! The view was not less than a dreamy one to be honest guys! I still remember the feeling for reaching a safer place like this after risking our life! Of which even I was not able to click photographs while crossing!

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    Now all we were left from this place was to walk by the ridge rather climbing all the was up to so that we could reach the Heart Shaped Lake Rani Sui. This place was even not known to me since last year as very few people know about the place even the locals! This place, the whole mountain region was once a main pathway of one valley to another which till today is about 300Km form the road and the trail from this place would only take a week of hiking in order to reach the other sided of the valley.

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    Though the place seems quite pleasing but it even had few of the most difficult parts in which even we had to face a lot of difficulties and just imagine guys that how a thousand years ago people used this place as their main way of crossing valleys.

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    The whole pathway towards the other valley was all marked by the huge stones placed at the top of the ridges! Which till today could be seen.

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    We thought of taking a rest and enjoy the moment where in a while the clouds were hiding the magical moment of nature by another moment and while the other this took the lead!
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    All that we could do was to capture this moment in our hearts and eyes and even in our camera so that we could bring back the moments like these back to life. I took various photos on my camera so that I could share them with you guys and even you could get the true glimpse of the nature.

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    We were at around 3878m above the sea level and the climate really felt like that of December even though the time was June. This fact even made me wonder for a while that how would this place used to be in the cold December’s of the Himalayas.

    Natures Art Work

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    After hiking as planned a while our destination was wight in front of us. The Magical Heart Shaped Rani Sui Lake.

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    The lake was still half frozen and even the lake was not full to its diameter as the whole glacials snow was still yet to melt in order for this lake to form. To its Heart Shaped Structure.

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    The Lake had various colours in it. It was a combination of magical colours which were all together even being apart form each other.

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    A heard of sheep’s was also gazing near the lake making the view more peaceful.
    The lake was still half frozen and nearly after a month of so all the water melted form the glacial nearby would definitely increase the water level of the lake by which the totally heart shaped structure could be seen.

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    As seen the lake was nearly forming as the ice nearby was yet to get melted. But to be honest guys this expedition was just a memorable experience for me as very few people gets chance to explore places life these and form where the untouched unnamed peaks and unexplored peaks of Dhauladhar Himalayan ranges could also be seen.

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    A wider photograph of the Rani Sui Lake. (Half Frozen)

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    This lake is also considered as a holy lake and the water of the lake was crystal clear. It was nearly freezing as most of the part of lake was still frozen making it a half frozen lake.

    Here are few of the photographs of this magical Hidden Lake of the Himalayas.
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    The Wishing Stones

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    As per ancient saying that at the higher altitudes people visit places like these and make a wish by keeping stones like these. There were various places where I have been in the past and even there were stones like these. I even had posted about the Wishing stones in my other expeditions too.

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    So thats all for today guys. I hope you liked it.
    Thanks for your precious time. 🙏

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    Love from the Himalayas.❤️

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