Weather: Current Status, Seasonal Norms, Impact, and Remedies

in voilk •  5 months ago

    The advent of the dry season in this part of the world is becoming so unbearable and hazardous to our health and wellbeing. Due to some of the many flexibilities that ought to be in place to help us stabilize or regulate the high temperature and low humidity, which are all absent, this makes the condition unbearable for many, and today I'll be telling you all about my perspective on this subject matter.


    As a Nigerian, we've got mainly three weather seasons, which are raining season, dry season, and harmattan season, and present in the months of February that we're, we're presenting in the dry season, which means the temperature is ridiculously high and humidity low beyond the ordinary. This weather condition usually occurs in the months of February through April, so it's normal, and in this period the heat is usually something else, as there's little or no rainfall during this season.

    Reasons for the harsh weather conditions:

    The absence of rainfall brings about bad weather conditions that are so harsh and emit heat to the surroundings, and the only people who could easily escape this season and have some form of free air are the ones who have trees planted around their house and neighborhood. These trees usually serve as a source of air for people to reduce the effect of the heat at no cost or for those who are rich enough to afford other power sources to run their electrical devices like fans and air conditioners.

    But like we all know, we live in an age of deforestation where almost every tree around us is cut down for other purposes. Living in a neighborhood with little or no trees is more like leaving in an oven in these terrible weather conditions, but those who are fortunate to have trees all around them will not feel the effect as much as those without them around them.

    So aside from the fact that it's a normal weather condition we experience every year, I personally think the continuous cutting down of trees for logging, urban development, and much more is the main reason behind the environmental degradation we're experiencing at the moment. Had there been a policy that every house must have at least one tree planted within its country, then we wouldn't be in this kind of terrible situation we find ourselves in year after year.


    What's the solution?

    Like I said in the concluding part of the reason behind the terrible weather conditions we experience during this period, one of the easiest and cheapest ways forward to curb these harsh weather conditions is the discouragement of deforestation, or better yet, setting up a policy to encourage the planting of trees; others are stable power supplies, and below I delve into this in detail.

    • Tree plantation policy: In order to curb the effect of the continuous harsh weather we have every year between the months of February and April, or better yet, backdated to November, since that period is also plagued by dryness, I'll advise that the government put it into law that all houses in urban areas must have at least a tree planted within their vicinity, and there should be a consequence punishment for anyone who defaults on that policy. In the end, it'll help mitigate climate change, aid soil conservation, improve water management, and much more, to mention but a few.
    • Stable power supply: Electricity is like a scarce commodity in my country Nigeria, and that's one of the major reason why this terrible dry weather conditions affect the people more than it ought to, take for instance, had there been a stable power supply, then many would understand that the government has played their part in making living condition bearable in this season, and that whatever they faces thereafter is due to nature and climate change, but the absence of electricity means, an average man can't sit in the comfort of their home to switch on the fan or AC when the condition becomes unbearable, so in a nutshell the government need to do better and give us stable electricity to combat the impact of the dry season.


    Personally, in my opinion, if these two points can be taken seriously and put in place, the condition of living in the dry season will change drastically, and people will have much more comfort dealing with the high temperature and low humidity we go through during this time of year.

    That's about it for now. I hope you enjoyed the read and found it thoughtful and worthwhile.

    Do have a wonderful day and stay blessed.

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