Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

in voilk β€’Β  3 months ago


    🌟 Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! 🌟

    The Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Event has begun! You have 15 days to purchase Baron Fyatt and Henchling Enforcer to earn chances for some amazing prizes. Land Plots, Runi, Alpha Packs, Beta Packs and more are up for grabs! Compete for the top 200 spots on the leaderboard to earn titles! Find the event in the Splinterlands shop and read the post for more details.

    baron bounty

    Hello community friends !

    Greeting from @mrdani12 to all my beautiful friends , Hopefully you guys are doing well .

    Today i am going to take a participation in weekly social media challenge which is very interesting for me , i decide to take a participation and share it on social media which is twitter to make world inform about this interesting and mind blowing game , I am also beginner in this game but i love this game because this game provide and give my mind a sharp boost which is very good for me , this game is all about mind that how you can use your mind to select best card for your self to win the battle .

    Battle rule set

    Back to Basic
    In this rule set monsters lose all the abilities which is given to him , I want to win the battle in this rule set ,This battle have 16 mana which is not enough to use powerful monsters , My rule set is back to basic .


    All the elements can be use in this battle ,Back to basic is the rule set in which all the unit which have ability become unable to use their abilities in the ruleset which is very interesting and enjoyable ruleset , in this rule set


    This time the ruleset of the battle is little bit different I am going to share my experience about the interesting rule set



    This summoner is fire element unit , this unit cost 3 mana because i want to use those summoner which cost low mana because my battle mana is only 16 which is not enough for me to use in the battle . This monster have very great card which is very powerful and skill full , i want use most reliable and units which are able for this rule set .



    Venari Knifer

    This monster is very powerful unit , This monster is melee attacker , I want to use those card which cost low mana and do best work according to the ruleset . This card cost 6 mana with 2 melee attack and 4 speed which make this card the most powerful card in this ruleset . In first line this card is best chose because the health of is 7 hp which is way better than other card in this 6 mana , this card have also thorns ability but here in rule set all the ability of card became useless that why thorns ability of this ruleset became useless .


    Goblin Psychic

    In Second position I want to chose those card which is powerful and attack from any position . I found this card because my mana is also low and decide to take this card for the battle , this is the most useful monster in splinterland , these type of cards are very rear in splinterland game . This card is called healer tank , which increase life of another unit in the battle , this unit cost 6 mana with 2 magic attack and 1 speed , this unit have 3 hp with the ability of healing which make this card the most efficient card of the battle .


    Battle time

    battle link







    I win this battle with great win but my opponent use this interesting card which is very powerful and best card , But i use great card against his card which win my battle with great lead . This monster which is use by my opponent is magic attacker , this monster have 1 magic attack and 5 speed which make this card the most powerful card , also this card have 7 hp which is good . Also my opponent use more card .



    All these images are taken from splinterland.com
    Join in the game Splinterlands through my referral link . linkhttps://splinterlands.com?ref=ACOLYTE_773337


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