Splinterlands - Auto-submit battle is a life saver

in voilk •  10 hours ago

    The little and smart things in Splinterlands simply make me happy and one that I was observed is that your Summoner together with positioned warriors will take the battlefield even if you didn't got the chance to push on the Battle button. You might not have finished your formation, you might have been distracted from finishing your strategy, but no need to worry... even in that case what you put on the table will be sent into battle. Instead of forfeiting the battle, you still get a chance to fight even if not fully prepaid. And I must confess that this nice functionality saved me few times and I even won the fight either with the full or partial formation that I made until that point.


    Surrender was the only option

    Before having this feature your option was to automatically surrender. This, you have lost the battle and the chance to try to hold your grounds. You might encounter Internet connective or any other issue or sudden action that derails you from the fight, but now you are safe with this auto-submit battle mode. I would even call this feature this way.

    Auto-submit battle

    This "auto-submit battle" feature has also led to some unexpected victories. I've had instances where I threw together a hastily assembled team due to distractions, only to have a specific monster on the battlefield shine unexpectedly. Perhaps it countered an opponent's strategy particularly well, or maybe it triggered a powerful ability thanks to the positioning. These surprise wins add a delightful layer of surprise and adaptability to the game, reminding us that even with less-than-ideal preparation, a well-rounded roster and a bit of luck can turn the tide.

    Community and refinement

    The Splinterlands community is constantly buzzing with ideas for improvement. Player suggestions and developer updates work together to refine the overall experience. One exciting prospect could be the ability to save and share pre-made formations for different scenarios. This would streamline the battle process for seasoned players and help newcomers experiment with various strategies. Maybe some would see it as a step towards not human-like actions, but I think that it helps avoid repetitive actions. If I use a formation in certain rules, for sure I will reuse it again when those rules repeat in another game.

    Formation options

    And to tell you the truth, there is so much more that we could do when it comes to defining our formations that we send into battle. Another thing would be to have some additional stats when making our formation in order to peak the best warriors. I would love to see some Winning-streak stats on my warriors, which would allow me better filtering and sorting. Incorporating filters based on specific monster abilities or synergies could further enhance team composition. Imagine building a team specifically designed to counter magic attacks or one that focuses on maximizing armor penetration. These features would undoubtedly add another layer of depth and strategic decision-making to the game.

    I simply love this little simple thing and I think through such features Splinterlands will earn the players hearth for the game. Usability, usability, usability... that is what it is all about. And this simply solves a big issue in the game, thus increasing the players enthusiasm and retention in the game.

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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