Friendship and Business is often a Bad Mix

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Hi frens. Why does business and friendship hardly go hand in hand? This is not always the case but most times, the story isn’t always a nice one. Which is awful because venturing into a business with someone you know and understand on the level of friendship should be a happy thing.

    I know friends can successfully enter a business deal, either as partners in a start - up or as an employee to another; friends are fully capable of successfully doing business together. However, it would usually take a lot more than being just great friends to make this happen.

    How can friends effectively do business together?

    First and foremost is Boundaries. There has to be a mutual understanding and respect for the boundaries that should exist in such situations. You cannot over extend the familiarity that exists between you and your friend(s) to your business relationship.

    You have to know when to put friendship aside and let professionalism take priority. Else, you are bound to encounter a few bumps in the road. Respecting work boundaries should be a no - brainer to friends who wish to do business together. You must learn to treat your friend as you would a stranger you happen to be doing business with.

    Another vital ingredient is Discipline. Having the decency to do as you should, when you should, is very important. You shouldn’t be less committed or punctual just because your boss is your friend and you would expect them to understand and continue to extend graces to you.

    I recently had a business transaction with a good which didn’t end well; now I’ve lost my friend and any other potential of working together in the future. We are enemies, but her conduct regarding the deal we did has left me in an uncomfortable and awkward state with her.

    My friend needed several graphic designs for a certain project her brand was taking on. She asked me to do the designs because she has seen my work and loved them. I hesitated, and urged her to have her design guy do it. She insisted and I made it clear that if I am to do it, then she would have to pay so amount at so time. She agreed.

    Tell me why over a month later, I’m still waiting on my payment. She loved the designs and had zero complaints but remitting my payment was a big issue. One time we were on the phone talking about whenever, then I reminded her of the payment and she said “Ask my staff, I pay at my own pace and time”. Excuse me? I mean, laughter followed after that so I couldn’t tell if she meant that or not. Then she changed the topic.

    She eventually paid, but not the full price, after I abandoned the cloak of friendship and spoke sternly to her. I have been stuck between three choices of actions: 1. Telling her how I feel and demanding she pay me in full. 2. Sending the money back to her. 3. Leaving everything behind and moving on completely.

    As a non-confrontational person who would rather dip than talk things out especially when understanding is a luxury, I think option 3 works best. My feelings towards her is that if disappointment. I expected better from her because I see how well she manages her business but my experience working with her has left me uncomfortable with the idea of friendship with her.

    Well, this is my story. It is just one story. But we generally must do better when conducting businesses with our friends.

    Thanks for stopping by. ❤️

    Follow me on my blog atyourservice


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