This weeks Saturday tournament seen the introduction of my giveaways on my livestream. You can now get rewarded just for watching and chatting on my livestream during the Saturday Crypto Shots Tournament. Three people received free NFT’s this week for doing just this. If you have ever thought about taking a look at Crypto Shots there has never been a better time then right now. @zillionz, @cresp01 and @ehmaywuntee all have now been sent their NFT’s for last weeks Saturday live stream. Congratulations to them for stopping buy and watching my stream.
This week I did not do so well and only managed to get a positive KDR and be on the winning team once and that was the last match of the tournament. But we all have those weeks and hopefully next week will go better for me. Regardless of the rewards I received I had fun as always playing with the crypto shots crew.
A highlight for me was this grenade kill, as grenade kills are hard to get and I very rarely get them.
And just for laughs here is some proof I really did have a bad day.
Yeah ouch that still hurts a little looking back at that score.
Thanks for reading,
Have a great day everyone!