Don’t Judge People Based on Social Media

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Social media is extremely popular nowadays. Everyone has Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. We share photos, updates, thoughts online. However, the life people present on social media is not real life. So we should not judge a person just by what you see on their profile. Social media is only a small part of someone’s life.

    Firstly, on social media people only show the best moments. When they are happy, traveled somewhere nice, won an award, they will post it quickly for people to see. Nobody shares the bad days when things did not go well. Not everything that happens in life makes it online. So if you look at someone’s page and it appears they have a perfect life, it’s not the full truth. It’s just the good parts they chose to share.

    Even the good things themselves, people sometimes show fake versions. To make their lives seem more perfect, they will add things that are not real. Some will borrow items or go to certain locations just to capture a nice photo. They want to make it look like they live a better life than they truly have. Not every sweet picture you see is as real as it seems.

    Additionally, the photos people share do not mean that is how they look all the time. Some use filters and editing apps to enhance their appearance. No wrinkles or pimples on the face, skin looking smooth. Clothes cleanly ironed, with no stains. Teeth looking pearly white. But it’s a polished version to deceive the eye. Real life is not that glossy every day.

    It’s the same for how people write and talk on social media. They will share wise quotes, thoughts and stories to appear smart. On Twitter, everyone sounds like an activist and philosopher. The tweets are more eloquent than how the person actually speaks. It does not show the nonsense they sometimes say. So the way a person posts does not mean it reflects their true character.

    I know one girl who is very kind in real life. But on her Twitter, she attacks people, is very rude to strangers. She even got suspended before. That is not her real attitude but she uses Twitter to vent anger at times. So people think she’s a bully when she’s calm in person. Don’t judge from the small part you see.

    Even number of friends and followers does not mean popularity. Some people have over a thousand Facebook friends but only know 20 of them. They just add any stranger. Some buy followers to boost their numbers. It does not mean they are celebrities. Do not let big numbers fool you about an individual.

    The point is, social media is just a highlight reel of life. It is not a complete picture at all to judge a person by. Even people you think have no talent or success may have it. They might just be too shy to flaunt it. While some showing off have little to their name in reality. We should get to know someone first before concluding who they are.

    Next time you scroll social media, do not let the nice photos or wise posts mislead you. People only show the version of their life they want you to see. Real life is messier and more complex. We all have highs and lows. So let’s not judge a book by its cover. Make an effort to know someone’s genuine self first. Social media is a performance. Real life is backstage. A person can be very different.

    In summary, do not judge people based solely on their crafted social media image. It is just one part of their story. To really understand someone, take time to learn about their full life beyond the highlights. Social media should not determine a person’s worth or character. There is more nuance than any profile can convey. Keep an open mind, look deeper, and refrain from harsh judgements based on what could be a fake online persona. Perception and reality are often quite different.


    Thanks for reading here❤️❤️

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