in voilk •  2 months ago

    The pursuit for JESUS CHRIST is wisdom, as outlined in Luke 19:2-5; 9:10; and John 14:6.

    Time is a precious commodity that cannot be regained once lost. Therefore, Christians must not squander their time on frivolous pursuits but instead focus on the things of God.

    According to biblical prophecy, the rapture of the saints is imminent. Consequently, believers must expedite evangelistic efforts and prepare themselves accordingly for this eventuality.
    Our text highlights the dilemma faced by many individuals who are uncertain about repenting and serving God. These confused individuals risk eternal damnation if they fail to make a decision before the rapture occurs.

    To prevent such tragic outcomes, it is imperative that we redouble our evangelistic efforts so that these multitudes can hear and accept the gospel message.
    Some people require repeated exposure to this message before they will repent.

    It behooves us all to increase our preaching efforts for the benefit of those yet unsaved.

    Additionally, each believer should examine their life carefully in preparation for Christ's second coming and the rapture of His faithful followers.

    Memory verses remind us not to allow material possessions or other distractions to impede our spiritual growth or hinderance in readiness for Christ's return. The time has come; let us make ourselves ready now!

    We must also remember that our actions speak louder than words. As Christians, we are called to live a life that reflects the teachings of Jesus Christ. This means living a life of love, compassion, and selflessness.
    Furthermore, we should not be afraid to share our faith with others through our actions and words.

    We can do this by volunteering in our communities, being kind to those around us, and sharing the gospel message whenever the opportunity arises.

    In conclusion, as believers in Jesus Christ, it is our duty to use our time wisely and focus on the things of God. We must prepare ourselves for His second coming and the rapture of His faithful followers by redoubling our evangelistic efforts and examining our own lives carefully. Let us make ourselves ready now!


    If you wish to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior, recite this prayer with me: "Lord Jesus have mercy on me, I am a sinner forgive my sins cancel my name from the book of death and write my name in The Book Of Life. In Jesus Christ's Holy Name I pray.Amen."


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