Newbies Task 2: Hive Guidelines and Markdowns You Should Know

in voilk •  2 months ago


    Hive is decentralized, therefore offering more control and ownership to users. That, to me, is the major difference between Hive and other Web2 social media platforms.

    With Hive, you can start earning immediately after you join. Unlike other Web2 social media platforms, because Hive is decentralized. You would have to play to the rules of Web2 social media platforms by meeting a certain number of views before you can start earning.

    Hive Guidelines (2).png Designed on Canva

    Unlike the traditional social media platforms, where you are subject to so many rules, some of which you would consider unreasonable and could be banned if you broke any one of them. On Hive, which is a blockchain, you have full control and ownership of your account.

    Although there are rules too, you will be penalized by the community of Hivers and not by any one body. Which I also consider a better way of running a community. Not by any one body deciding the faith of everybody, but everyone being given the opportunity to have a say.


    Plagiarism: This stands as the single most important term on Hive. You have to know what this is and stay away from it. Plagiarism is taking someone else's work and passing it off as your own without referencing the person or his work.

    It is highly hated and frowned upon on Hive. When you do this, even unknowingly or innocently without knowing what it is, you probably will be downvoted.

    Some people may be kind enough to warn you or bring it to your attention, but after that, if you continue with it, you will be downvoted (you can even be downvoted to oblivion-to a reputation of 0).

    Therefore, plagiarism is a no no. Don't try it, don't check it out. Don't think you will be smart enough to evade it or go scot-free.

    Another term is vote-begging. As the name implies, vote begging is simply begging for vote, going to people's post to beg for vote or stating on your post that they should please vote you, or tagging whales and thinking they will see your post and vote for you.

    One can quickly and easily attract downvoting because of vote-begging. By begging for vote - tagging whales to come upvote you, you are attracting more eyes and unnecessary attention to yourself.

    Your mistakes that would have been overlooked; pity will now no longer be taken. You can warrant action to be taken on your mistakes which would come in form of downvoting.

    I should state in addition that there are Hive watchers on Hive. These Hive watchers are basically the police of Hive. Making sure Hive rules are being followed or adequate penalty is given to the breakers of the rules.

    The last term I will be talking about is Post recycling. You might be feeling lazy or tired to write a post, but you just want to post something, so money can come in. Then you go back to a previous post you published and republish it.

    You smart boy, you want to milk the system. The Hive watchers I spoke about above will be there waiting to penalize you. Hive is for original contents. That is a new idea, a new writing, not a copy and paste of someone else's work or even your previous work.


    Using tags is a way to take your posts to a wider audience, giving your post a wider reach. So, people who are looking for your kind of content can simply find it by searching keywords.

    Tags are simply keywords that summarize what you're mostly talking about in your post. They are also general tags. Tags that can be used by anybody on any post.

    These tags is a way to put your post out there where anyone that knows these tags can simply search and see the latest content that used these tags. The person could be looking to upvote those who used the tag.

    Other than reach and upvote, you can earn using general tags. Tags like #hive-engine, #pimp, #vyb, #pob, #neoxian, #inleo and #proofofbrain, just to name the few I know.

    FYI, the abuse of tags as well could attract downvote. Just as I stated earlier about tagging whales or people you don't know, just so they should upvote your post. You could expose yourself aswell to downvotes.

    Also know that humans don't like being used, so why would you just expect that they should vote for you? And the only reason is because you posted. You need to put in the work required to warrant their vote and attention.

    Thank you for reading my Newbies Task entry guys

    Cheers 🥂

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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