Death, Desperation and Nature - Mountain Lion (Cougar) attacks two, kills one ...

in voilk •  3 months ago

    So here I am scrolling through the New york time. blog and I stumbled upon this fascinating story about two dudes and their unfortunate encounter with a cougar (mountain Lion)

    Image by Mike Hansen from Pixabay

    It turns out that these two dudes, just minding their own business, out hunting for shed antlers (you might want to check the meaning of shed antlers if you have no idea what it means, I also did) in sunny California. Sounds innocent enough, right? Well, hold onto that innocence, because things are about to get crazy.

    So, these two guys, ages 21 and 18, stumbled upon a baby cougar while they were out in the woods. Now, when I say "baby cougar," I don't mean a cute, cuddly kitten like you might think. I mean a mini version of the real deal, with claws and teeth that could give Wolverine a run for his money, a monster of a baby. And let me tell you, this little fella was hungry for trouble and these two dudes looked like the perfect scapegoats

    Now, you'd think or you might assume that a couple of fully grown young lads at their prime or about to hit their prime would be able to handle a pint-sized cougar, right? Well, wrong! Turns out, this baby beastie was more than they bargained for, what I ordered versus what I got, reality can be cruel. It pounced on them like a kid diving into a pile of candy, claws, and teeth flying everywhere. It was like a scene straight out of a horror movie, except instead of screaming teenagers, we've got two grown men trying to fend off a ferocious furball. Uhm, this furball was now on fire, a living breathing fireball ready to incinerate anything in its path

    Image by 3031830 from Pixabay

    But here's where things get really interesting: despite their best efforts, these guys couldn't shake off the cougar's death grip. It had them pinned to the ground like a pair of wrestlers in a headlock, claws digging into their flesh and teeth gnashing dangerously close to their heads and delicate neck. Talk about an unwanted sticky situation that sticks far more strongly than your strongest glue

    Now, you might be thinking, "Well, why didn't they just fight back?" Trust me, they tried. They threw punches, they kicked, they even yelled at the top of their lungs like banshees on a rampage. But no matter what they did, that pesky cougar just wouldn't let go. It was like trying to pry a stubborn toddler off a captivating toy aisle in the supermarket – exhausting and utterly futile.

    In the end, unfortunately, one of the guys didn't make it out alive, so sad, and the other barely escaped with his life. It's a tragic tale that serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers lurking in the great outdoors. But as much as this story might make you start to fear the great outdoors, don't fear the great outdoors, but there are lessons to be learned here – and it's a lesson in preparedness, especially as regards the unexpected

    Image by Kurt Bouda from Pixabay

    You see when you're out in the wilderness, it pays to be ready for anything. That means packing things like your bear spray, your pocket knife, and maybe even a few snacks for good measure. Because you never know when you might come face to face with a hungry predator – and trust me, you don't want to be caught empty-handed when that happens. You really don't want to.

    But hey, let's not dwell on the doom and gloom. Instead, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer absurdity of the situation. I mean, who would have thought that a couple of shed hunters would end up in a showdown with a beastie baby cougar? It's like something out of a comedy sketch gone wrong, with a lot more teeth and a lot less laughter than we could ever bargain for sadly

    Image by 🌸♡💙♡🌸 Julita 🌸♡💙♡🌸 from Pixabay

    So, here's to the brave souls who dared to venture into the wild, armed with nothing but their wits and a healthy dose of courage. May their story serve as a cautionary tale for adventurers everywhere – and a reminder to always expect the unexpected.

    At this point, you can easily see that, the terrains of nature can be a wild and wonderful one. It may be unpredictable, it may be dangerous, so dangerous that sadly it snatches some precious lives and never gives them back, but hey, at least it makes for one heck of a story. Who doesn't like a good nature-based story? Especially one that fixes you up for a rollercoaster of emotions.

    Yeah, until next time, happy nature exploration and may your adventures be filled with laughter and goosebumps, one that keep you unhurt, and very much alive to share the tale



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