A Clothing Transformation ~ DIY Fabric Dye Experiments

in voilk •  last month

    I have a big pile of clothing given to me by others that don't quite suit me. People gift me used clothes very often. I am very fortunate that in that way. Maybe people notice I don't own much or simply are generous people.

    Over the years I have mended tears, taken in clothing that was too large and taken out clothing that is too small.

    This day I wanted to try my hand at dying!

    I have owned a little packet of dye for nearly 8 years and have been afraid to use it until now. Not sure exactly what it is I was afraid of to be honest. This brand of dye (which can be found in many art shops as well as online here) is wo easy to use and very low-fuss. I recomend it!

    The key is to have enough clothing to fill 1 load of laundry. Also, you must have a washing machine. That is the main reason I never gave this craft a go before.

    These types of dye come in two variations and in many colors. I chose blue dye for natural fabrics. So I sorted though my pile of light cotton and linen clothing.

    Then, I soaked the batch of clothing in non-iodized salt (salt without added iodine) and threw the saltl-y clothing and the dye packet in the washing machine as the packet directions indicated. I also added a small amount of soap to the detergent compartment.

    And this is how the clothes came out!

    Some garments are faintly sky blue while others are vibrant and even dark. It all depends on the type of fabric and the color I began with. I am really glad that I threw in these two scarves that are probably originally from department stores and now, are uniquely my own!

    Have you ever tried dying clothing? Did you like the results? Let me know in the comments!

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