Breathtaking Spain: The Tibi Dam, Europe's Oldest Masonry Dam (Reward Burn)

in voilk •  3 months ago

    The Tibi Dam, Europe's oldest masonry dam, stands proudly on the Monegre River, approximately three kilometers south of Tibi in Spain's Valencia region. According to mainstream historians, its builders did not conduct stress analysis. Yet its enduring presence over time is owed to its remarkable massiveness and sturdiness. The waterfall visible in the picture below is a spillway added in 1697 after the dam flooded. The images are courtesy of Sir Joaquin Barjola.






    The everlasting beauty of the ancient world is a testament to the brilliance of its architects. Unlike modern soulless structures, the fruits of their labor require minimal maintenance yet mesmerize for millennia. Here's a link if you want to book a tour to visit Tibi Dam:

    This is the first time I've activated the 'Burn' option for rewards. If you liked the post, consider joining our community (Mind-Blowing), dedicated to the beauty of the ancient world.

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