A Story of Inspiration and Giving Back.

in voilk •  3 months ago


    In a world filled with some heartless and cruel people, there exist some kind of people who still choose to close their eyes to what others are saying about those who treated them unfairly but still do what they know how to do best. These are the kind of people who inspire you to also pay it forward and help someone else when you can.

    I have in many ways returned the good deeds to me either to that same fellow or someone else I can help because I know how it feels to be helped by someone without thinking twice.

    Even when I have been disappointed by some people, it still didn't stop me from doing what I know how to do best and that is because of who I am. Sometimes, you are easily taken advantage of when your weakness in doing good is easily detected and if one isn't careful or observant, they can milk you dry till your last drop and that is when they leave you because there is nothing to get from you again.

    But despite this, there are still the kind ones who, when they know how weak you are in helping out because of your beautiful heart, try to maintain their relationship with you and would even keep advising you not to fall into some traps. There will always be kind people no matter how we have painted the world to be with the bad eggs in it.

    There are many times an act of kindness passed to me has inspired me to do more for others and knowing that if I don't return the favour differently to another person, help will always show up for them, and that would be to my shame, but this, I don't wait to get to this stage but to render my help in putting smiles on people's face as it was done to me.

    When I was in the University, in my 200 level second semester, I hadn't come across Hive then and it was that time I was always going broke because it was my big sis who was sponsoring my school fees and sometimes, I didn't bother her to send me more pocket money after adding some change to my school fees. It was a tough moment for me then but I just had to manage what I had and be contented with it.

    It was that time I met this lady who has had that special place in my heart because of what she did at first before others started happening as we were so close after then, still are now.

    On this particular day, I had nothing. I was so broke and didn't know how to call my sister to help me send some money since I was also considerate of how she was living to survive too. She did a lot, I know and it was just not coming to me to talk to her. This lady noticed I hadn't eaten that day, she was also observant as she knew a day would not go without me bringing my gas outside near my room to cook because of the heat which made me cook outside. She then asked me if I had eaten but told her I was fine. I didn't know how she got to know I was lying because she knew I was not someone to beg as the other students would do.

    After some while, I heard a knock on my door and at that time, the hunger had persisted which made me weak to even get up. My eyes had turned red as I was just shedding tears and thinking about a lot of things including wishing Mom was alive to help which she had always done when she was alive. I quickly wiped my face and looked into the mirror to confirm that all was good. As I opened the door, I pretended to have just woken up from sleep and the next thing I saw was her handing over a plate of food to me.

    I was dumbfounded because I never expected it. That food did a great thing to me that day. After eating, I felt the relief that made me utter a statement, "Hunger is not good. I don't wish it for anyone, even my enemy". I couldn't stop thanking her and she didn't stop adding my portion to her food whenever she cooked and would send mine over. That kindness got into me and truly knew there is kindness on earth, we just have to come across it to see it for ourselves.


    That act of kindness inspired me to do the same especially when I met Hive and started earning some money. Sometimes, I would just dash some foodstuffs to students in my compound and would always be attentive to the needs of others. There was a time I was outside with other neighbours when a lady just said she wished she could have the money to get what she was craving that day. I pretended not to hear her and went inside. I called her in and handed over $3 to her. She was surprised and didn't want to collect it, I told her it was for what she was craving and since it was something in my capacity to do, I did it.

    I know what it is like to crave something but there is no financial means for it which made me return that act too and made her smile. Ever since then, I have tried as much as possible to help when I was around that area until I left which left a lasting impact on me till today. Help when you can and pay it forward with the kindness shown to you, that way, the world becomes better.

    Images were created from Bing

    Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


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