Inspiring Others

in voilk •  4 months ago

    How do I inspire others?

    I'm not one to blow my own Trumpet, it's not something I feel comfortable with. Earlier today I attended a women's gathering, where the focus was on helping each other to prosper and grow. We all shared the same opinion. How difficult it is, to put ourselves out there. To discuss how 'great'we are. I'm just not one to brag, unless it is in a piss take, kind of way. I'm far more comfortable with making fun of myself. It feels more natural, yet I don't believe it is. It's good to take pride in what we have achieved, in what we want to achieve.


    I'm on the verge of starting a new venture. Something that brings two of my passions together. Dance and Mental Health. It's something I've wanted to do for a long time. But never felt I was experienced enough to do. Doubting my own abilities. Yet whenever I shared my dream, everyone was super positive and told me to just go for it. Anyone who has met me on the dance floor, knows how passionate I am about dancing.


    I often get free entry into Estatic Dance events, because I help to raise the energy levels. When I'm dancing, I want others to experience what I feel. So although I do like to dance a loner I also like to engage on an energetic level with others. Dancing to me means freedom, the freedom to be who I am, to be present in each moment, to be fully connected with myself and the flow of life that surrounds us.

    So I think, that one way in which I can inspire others, is to follow this dream of mine, this dream of becoming a dance practitioner.


    I've been told in the past that my poetry has inspired people, as well as how I live. Off grid, in the mountains, with my girls in our housetruck. A life outside of modern society. One which is more connected with the elements, with the seasons.

    I would like to think, that if I do indeed inspire others, I would be, by inspiring them to stay true to themselves. That they honour themselves.


    I live as I do, because it feels right to me. They same reason, as to why I raise my children as I do. It's because it's intuitive. I listen to myself for the answers. For direction. I don't need to be told what is best for me and my girls, and I take responsibility for what comes with that.

    Deepening my awareness of the world around me. Deepening my knowledge. Feeling deeply connected with the earth and her Rhythms. Understanding what both my daughters and I need in order to thrive.

    This is my response to one of the questions, featured in the Weekend Engagement Challenge.

    All the photos, are my own.


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