Experience 101

in voilk •  20 days ago

    If there's one thing a lot of people out there don't know, it is that just because someone is your best friend, doesn't guarantee that you guys would make the best roommates, and this applies for both genders.

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    photo by Zach Reiner

    Some few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a neighbour of mine who suddenly told me that she might be moving out soon. She had found a place not too far away from our hostel and the people there had agreed to collect only half the rent from her, considering half the year is already gone.

    When I asked her why she was leaving, seeing how she already paid rent here, she had told me that it was all because of one reason, her roommate. According to her, she and her roommate has been friends long before they gained admission into the university.

    They were so close that both parents knew both kids and they would occasionally do sleepovers at each of their homes, but apparently, this was the first time they both were leaving together full time and she just couldn't handle it due to how dirty and unkempt her friend is..an observation that wasn't entirely shocking to me.

    You see, I've been lucky enough to understand early that best friends and best roommates doesn't exactly work hand in hand all the time, I knew that when I had my first roommate and although we both worked things out and figured out a way to live together and still be happy, two of my female friends who also were roommates didn't.

    So earlier this year when myself and the boys (we were four in number) had agreed to rent a four bedroom apartment, I wasn't entirely into it. Don't get me wrong, living with the boys would sure be a lot of fun, especially seeing how everyone would have their own bedrooms and all that, but then I thought about the few shared spaces we would have and how messed up it would be.

    Now I'm a freak for cleanliness, whenever I move into a new place, I always make sure to rearrange that place in a way I feel would make it look good and clean, but living with three other guys would make that almost impossible to achieve because we would have to share spaces like the living room and the kitchen.

    The living room might be fine, all I have to do is volunteer to be the guy who cleans it up all the time, that would give me some sort of power over it but you see the kitchen, it would be a mess. And I say that from experience because I know these guys, they are the laziest set of people that I know when it comes to doing the dishes and cleaning and I'm lazy too, so me calling them the laziest carries a lot of weight.

    They could leave the dirty dishes there for days, something I can't stand and before you know it, I would be presented with two choices, either fight with the boys whenever they mess up the kitchen or the living room, or say nothing and just clean the whole place up whenever they mess it up.

    Both options didn't sound like something I would want to put myself through so we cancelled the plan of moving it together and every one of us still live separately till this day, everyone doing their own dishes.

    Now I know you might want to say that what if I was wrong about them and they're not the kind of people to leave their dishes dirty in the sink, well while we were discussing about moving in together, I had taken the time to watch each and every single one of them (including myself), and I had seen them do certain things I wouldn't want my roommate to do.

    Although I only knew to watch them due to my previous experience of having a roommate. So guys, just because you're best mates doesn't mean you guys would make good roommates and unless you're willing to compromise sometimes in order for there to be peace, you will always be at war with your roommate and you guys might end up not talking to each other ever again.

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