Escaping home to survive.

in voilk •  4 months ago

    After reaching the mother to tell her she was called by the father, the father himself was hunted down by some unknown peoples who were looking for the young brother. Now its time to escape own home to survive and Amicia got the responsibility to save her brother.

    A Plague Tale Innocence: The De Rune Legacy

    Guards of Nicholas started looking for the boy and was butchering anyone found on their way. BTW, the boys name is Hugo. Hugo was sick and now he's scared of witnessing the dead bodies and the chaos that the guards were doing around.

    Taking Hugo with me, I came downwards and found the Guards were asking the servants of this palace about the whereabouts of Hugo but everyone seemed so loyal that they were ready to die but was not ready to give intel about Hugo.

    After escaping all the guards till now, I was escaping the building through the dinner and then the kitchen but there was this guard at the door who saw us and I though he'd be a good man to let us go but no, he was an evil as well and was asking us where did we think we were going.

    Beatrice came over and hit the guard's head using a stone and saved her children. Amicia asked what was happening and in reply, Beatrice said they'll be alright and asked them to follow her.

    As there were guards on all around the place, Beatrice asked Hugo to take his sisters hand when she walks ahead and see for danger so now I have to keep the boy with me again and follow the mother.

    There we were staying crouched in the tall grass while moving forward to stay invisible to the guards there and we noticed the guards were taking away the gardener who said he knows the family well.

    There was a man getting tortured by a guard but he was saying that he's worked here all his life and they'll get nothing to him as we (the family of Robert) were like family to him. Then the guard went over to the other side after killing that man to torture another servant.

    We were kind of stuck in this place when there was a guard in our way so Amicia decided to hit the helmets in the crate over there using stones to bait the guard to go there so we could walk further and that worked well.

    I did the same thing to pass this place as there was another guard who was watching over this side and I had to throw big pots to distract guards later.

    We reached this gate towards the garden but it was locked from the other side and there was this tiny hole in the wall where only Hugo could fit so Beatrice asked the boy to be brave and go to the other side to open the gate as there was no other way.

    The kid was scared but he did what he was asked for and opened the door so we could move forward and there were more guards in the garden but we could get through the trees so they can't see us.

    I jumped through that window first leaving Hugo behind and the little kid jumped over on his own which should be hard for him so Beatrice asked me to help him next time.

    Then Hugo felt sick and was hearing some noises. Beatrice took care of it and we kept moving.

    This time, I helped Hugo pass the other side before I go there and I guess this whole chapter is teaching me how I should take care of Hugo and how I can get his help as well throughout the entire time ahead.

    We were in this tall grass area and there was a guard guarding the following path who was walking around the place and all of us couldn't go to the other side at once.

    I went to the other side alone, I hid in the tall grass area in the other side, I distracted the guard using a pot and then I advised the mother and the brother to come to this side.

    We were at the back gate of the garden and there was a servant who was surprised to see us alive and asked us to escape through that door.

    Beatrice asked Hugo to hide somewhere and asked Amicia to take her brother to Laurentius who was a doctor and helped her treat Hugo so he'll look after them.

    There came Nicholas so Beatrice suggested Amicia to hurry and follow the river which should take them to Laurentius and she shut the door from the other side.

    The next thing Amicia witnessed was this. The sword of Nicholas bath in the blood of Beatrice and the daughter couldn't do anything when the sun was hiding somewhere else without knowing what just happened to his dear mother.

    Now I had to take Hugo and escape through the forest and I could see there were guards all around the forest and they kept throwing spears towards us and all we could do was keep running towards the river and at last both of them jumped into the river.

    And we just finished the first chapter of this great concept.

    That's all for now. I'll write about more of this story again soon. Be safe till we meet again.
    Au revoir/Goodbye.

    All the screenshots are my take from my play using the in-game photo mode and I tried canva to edit the thumbnail.

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