Music Reflections, Music News, buying cards, progress, Rising Star

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Greetings my dear and appreciated friends, It is a real pleasure to greet you on this splendid day. I am delighted to welcome you to our new publication, where we will dive into my latest news related to our beloved game, Rising Star.

    But before we dive into the details, I'd like to share with you some opinions and thoughts on recent musical happenings that are making waves in the music world. And in my personal case they have caught my attention. Without further ado, let's get started.


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    Today I want to share with you a piece of news from the music world that I am sure you will love for all of you who like Spanish music. I tell you that recently yesterday, April 19th, the EP called "Vinilo" by Maria Parrado, a talented Spanish singer, was released.

    To recapitulate I remind you that she has been able to captivate the hearts of her followers since her triumph in the first edition of La Voz Kids. Since that moment when Maria conquered many with her interpretation of "Lucia" by Joan Manuel Serrat, many of us have been able to witness her artistic growth and her evolution as a performer.

    With each new release, María has surprised with her musical maturity and her ability to transmit emotions through her voice. The EP "Vinilo" marks María Parrado's career, being her fifth album. With seven captivating songs, this EP immerses us in an emotional journey through the experiences and experiences of the artist. Something that I see without a doubt as very original.

    One of the things that has impressed me the most about "Vinyl" is Maria's ability to tell stories through her music. With each song she tells us a little bit of her life. Ebçn part is able to invite us to be part of her joys, her sorrows and her dreams. From the nostalgic "Historias Inventadas" to the emotional "Caigo en Ti". In my personal opinion this is one of the things that makes the album most special.

    On the other hand, beyond what the music transmits, this album is also a sample of Maria's talent as an artist. And this talent she plans to show in a tour called "Vinyl 2024". This tour will be in Spain. For those who live in Spain I think it will be a good opportunity to experience her songs live, and to be part of an excellent show.

    Well dear friends of Rising Star, this is the musical news I wanted to tell you today. The time has come to show you my latest news in the game. Without further ado, let's continue.

    Buying new cards for my collection in Rising Star.


    Friends we have reached my favorite section of the day, I mean in which I show you my latest purchases in our beloved game Rising Star. In this case I have bought 3 new cards for my collection. Every day is exciting to buy more cards, because you do not know what treasure you can find in the market of the game. Well, I tell you that next to each card I will tell you its details as well as the price that each one has cost me. So without further ado, let's get started:


    Well, we start with the first card of the day, this one is called: 135 Leilani. This card is common and I bought it because I thought it was a nice card haha. You know I like to collect these NFT. Well this card offers me 10 fans. In this case the card does not bring more categories as is the case of the skill. But this is normal in the common cards.


    The price of this card cost me in the game market this morning about 1782 starbits. Which given the price of starbits token is very cheap. If you are a fan of collecting like me you can afford it without problems. But I also see it useful to raise your fans, of course for that you would have to buy several.

    The phrase of this card is: "Con make up a story to get your band a gig. Lei lani!".


    The next card I bought today is called 137 Teagan. This card is common like the previous one. This one has skill, it has 5 in total. On the other hand it has 10 fans. My goal with this one was to increase my fans because when I saw the price it seemed interesting to buy in quantity. Now I show it to you:


    This card cost me a total of 1222 starbits which makes it undoubtedly a better option than the previous one. But as I said the previous card was with collection motifs. But wait don't go away because the card I am going to show you next is even cheaper and you might want to buy it too. Before I show it to you I leave you with the phrase of this card: "Looks great, sounds, meh." Haha, the truth is that this one made me laugh a lot.


    Well this is the cheapest card I bought today. It only cost me 1100 starbits. It is called: This card brings 5 of each thing. That is 5 fans and 5 skill. In total along with the other cards I bought 25 fans and 10 skill. All for a very cheap price. Now I leave you with the sentence of this card: "This is Scott. What talent has he got? Just seems to hit the drums a lot!" haha, this one is a bit intriguing.


    My progress in Rising Star.

    Well friends we have reached the final section of this post. Now I'm going to show you a summary of all my progress in the game. But I want to highlight something, today there is a change in the screenshot that I always leave for you to see the summary. I tell you that I changed the default character for the card R467 Luka. Can you believe that I didn't know that you could change this card? Haha, I just found out today. But don't worry, The busker has a special place in my collection. So without further ado, here is the summary:

    My fans are in total: 4355 with some drunks, My luck is: 1518, My skill continues its growth as every day: 9357. My IM: 28. My current level is: 38 and my card collection is in total: 200.


    Well my dear friends of Rising Star a pleasure to have passed by Buskeria today and to have left you my post. See you soon, greetings to all.

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