The coffee way

in voilk •  5 months ago

    “Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, infants and fetuses I present to you my Best friend!".I squealed in excitement as I made my way into my best friend's office.


    "Young lady what is this" Prisca my friend couldn't help but burst into laughter.

    "This is me rehearsing how I will introduce you to the world when this Prince guy you've been telling me about finally marrys you," I said grinning from ear to ear.

    "Hold up young lady, marry who? Why are you so fast? Prisca asked.

    "Marry you my dearest friend and I will be your loyal maid of honour for the day" I bowed gracefully.

    "Ohhh drama queen, can you kindly return to reality already?" Prisca said whilst patting me on the shoulders.

    "No! I refuse to return to reality! a reality where my best friend is obsessed with a guy and is scared of taking daring steps, I will pass on reality and live here where my best friend is a wife" I placed my hand dramatically on my forehead.

    "IB! IB! Focus!, babe I called you for a reason and now you're derailing from the bone of contention.

    "Okay, okay, let's get to business". I said as I sat comfortably.

    "Thank you for coming back to Earth," Prisca said smiling.

    "Where was I before? Mars??" I asked.

    "No Jupiter", Prisca burst into laughter.

    "No girl, you don't wanna have this banter with me right now", I jokingly warned Prisca.

    "Okay, okay, your lordship, I take it back. Prisca bows gracefully.

    "My loyal subject you are hereby forgiven", I said smiling sheepishly.

    “Now my dearest friend shoot, tell me all the juicy details”, I said giving Prisca my signature white toothy smile.

    “IB you know ever since Kelvin broke my heart it’s been so hard for me to move on, I’ve been wanting to open my heart to love but it’s been so difficult, I can’t go through all of that anymore ”. Prisca said amidst tears.

    “Hey calm down buddy, love is a beautiful thing and you can’t miss out on it because of a jerk like Kelvin”, I said whilst cleaning Prisca’s face.

    “Thank you so much IB”, Prisca gave me a sad smile.

    “Without further ado can you start talking about this your knight in shining amour my lady?”, I winked at Prisca.

    Prisca couldn’t help but giggle like a love-struck teenage girl.

    “Well Prince is a handsome man, very intelligent, caring, a chatter and he smells nice”. Prisca said while grinning from ear to ear.

    “Smells nice? damn, girl, have you been going around sniffing the young man?” I winked at her again.

    “No, No, I tend to perceive his perfume whenever his around and the fragrance is really nice”, Prisca was turning red already.


    “IB that’s not all, he loves Coffee, the young man is obsessed with coffee and you know where I stand with coffee”. Prisca said pouting.

    “When did coffee become a yardstick for measuring one’s love?” I asked Prisca.

    “I know that IB but I kinda feel somehow, like we aren’t compatible or something”, Prisca said sadly.

    “Because of common coffee Prisca?, like C-O-F-F-E? A beverage?

    Prisca rolled her eyes and kept playing with her fingers

    “I know all this but I just want to impress Prince, make him understand that I know a thing or two about coffee despite not being a fan of it”, Prisca said warily.

    Say no more my darling friend as a coffee theme date would be perfect for this”.

    “A coffee date?”

    “Yes my love”, I nodded.

    “What more can beat impressing your man with what he loves?” I asked her.

    “So how do I go about this?” Prisca asked.

    Okay here is the thing. You take him to The Grid cafe, which is located down the road. That cafe is so nice, the ambiance is everything and they have the best baristas as those guys are extraordinary. Do you know what else is there?


    “Wow, there’s more?”

    “Yes! There’s karaoke every Wednesday and Friday and who’s the best singer in the whole world?” I jumped up from my seat.

    “Me! Prisca fist-pumped.



    “Oh yes, baby! just imagine him sipping his coffee and you’re right on the stage singing a love song and staring right into his eyes”, I said staring at the ceiling.


    “The more you continue to sing the harder he falls for you”, I squealed in excitement.

    “To spice things up you can decide to sing the coffee song by Frank Sinatra”, I winked at her.

    “Ohh my dearest friend this is brilliant, name your prize”, Prisca said as she made her way to where I was standing.

    “I am fine please and what are friends for again?

    “I love you IB, you’re the best!”, Prisca pulled me into a hug.

    “I love you too my friend and I can’t wait for Prince to fall madly in love with you.

    All images are mine except otherwise stated.

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