Rams in the Neighborhood.

in voilk •  5 months ago

    [ #english ] In my neighborhood there is a man who is dedicated to ram grazing, I have observed him for years with his rams around feeding them, a few days ago he was very close to my home, he was taking care of a small herd of rams, when I saw him I asked him to let me photograph these animals.

    Having his authorization I sat on the floor next to him, while we talked and using my Nikon D7500 camera and with a 70-300 mm Nikkor lens I took the photos I show below.

    There were several rams, I didn't count them, I think there were about ten, of all of them there were two very charismatic little ones who always walked together, they were the cutest, about these two little ones this post is about.

    I was very pleased with the photos I got, it was late afternoon and it was the perfect time to take pictures, if they asked me what I was missing, I would tell them to take a picture of the carnero, but he looked a very serious man, I didn't dare to ask him to let me photograph him, maybe another time I will.

    I hope you like the images, I end my short story this way wishing you an excellent day or night and until a next post, best regards.

    [ #spanish ] En mi vecindario hay un hombre que se dedica al pastoreo de carnero, lo he observado durante años con sus carneros por los alrededores dándoles de comer, hace días estuvo bien cerca de mi hogar, cuidaba de un pequeño rebaño de carneros, al verlo le pedí que me dejara fotografiar a esto animales.

    Al tener su autorización me senté en el suelo junto a él, mientras conversábamos y utilizando mi cámara Nikon D7500 y con un lente Nikkor de 70-300 mm realicé las fotos que muestro a continuación.

    Habían varios carneros, no los conté, pienso que eran como diez, de todos ellos habían dos pequeños muy carismáticos que siempre andaban juntos, eran los más bonitos, sobre estos dos pequeños trata este post.

    Quede muy complacido con las fotos que logre, estaba cayendo la tarde y era el momento perfecto para realizar fotografías, si me preguntaran que me falto, les diría que tomarle una foto al cuidador de carnero, pero se veía un hombre muy serio, no me atreví a pedirle que me dejara fotografiarlo, quizás en otro momento lo haga.

    Espero que las imágenes les guste, termino así mi corto relato deseándoles un excelente día o noche y hasta un próximo post, saludos cordiales.


    Nikon D 7500
    Nikon D 5000
    Nikkor AF-P 70-300 mm 1:4.5-6.3 G ED.
    Nikkor AF-S 55-200 mm 1:4-5.6 G ED.
    Nikkor AF-P 50 mm 1:1.8 D.
    Nikkor AF-S 35 mm 1:1.8 G.
    Nikkor AF-P 10-20 mm 1:4.5-5.6 G.

    All the photos and texts in this post are my authorship.



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