Who am I? That's a Bit Cliche for a Title Isn't it…

in voilk •  4 months ago


    It's been a year since I last wrote, okay, fine, a year plus and I don't even know if I know how to do this anymore; by this I mean write.

    You know how people say you never forget how to swim or ride a bike, well I don't think writing falls under that category cause I have forgotten, I mean a year is a long time, isn't it? I mean look at how much damage has been done to the Nigerian economy in just a few months.

    Anyways, how do I do this? An introduction? A life update or do I just jump and ask if y'all if you missed me; probably not.

    Let's do an introduction and then a life update.

    My name is Khaleesii, I mean Ophelia, I don't exactly go by Khaleesii these days, can't even remember when last I heard that name, but yeah, I am 25 and Nigerian.

    That’s enough for that, let us move on to a life update mixed with why I left hive, THE GOOD STUFF.

    A year plus ago I was in a different headspace; broke, depressed and feeling unworthy. While going through these I started writing on Hive and as little as it did, it made a difference but after a while, Hive became a lot. During the time, I was trying to figure what hive could be to me, I got a job and well, I couldn't keep up.

    Fast forward, life has been rather interesting, I've moved out to my own apartment, met who I thought was the love of my life, went through a heartbreak, and got back again. Maybe? Started learning so much about money, traveled to three African countries in the space of three weeks while trying to find myself, been in spaces I didn't know I could enter, lost and gained weight, and well, do I stop here?


    Anyway, this past year I think with everything that has happened, the most important thing that happened is the confidence I've gained; in myself, my looks, and in my future, I'm still confused and scared shitless but this anxiously attached girl is wayyyyyyy better than she was because I've learned the theory of “let it and let them”.


    Moving, I won't lie and say I will start writing every day because, with my job, and the fact that I've decided to pick up a million and one hobbies I'll be lying but I do hope hive can maybe be the escape it once was.

    I can't remember a lot of the rules for pictures and tags so please do forgive me.
    (All pictures are mine)

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