Jesus Said, "Bring to Me Souls..." And Then Divine Mercy Sunday Happened

in voilk •  3 months ago

    I've never been a fan of novenas but perhaps I'm finally changing... You see as a lukewarm Catholic, I have never felt like novenas ever worked for me. Of course I only prayed a few sets (I think) and that was it. I don't even know if I did them right. As far as I remember I rarely complete any novena except once or maybe twice. I don't remember anymore. Haha.

    But of course since I've discarded my lukewarmness around Lent last year, I have been learning and doing plenty of Catholic stuff I never knew/did before. Am not hardcore yet don't worry. Haha. Still got plenty of things to know and do before I consider myself one. And so as a repentant Catholic it is not surprising I would join the Divine Mercy novena this year.

    Friday, March 29, 2024 was the first time I joined a Novena to Divine Mercy. For nine days we prayed what was instructed by Jesus to St. Faustina back in the 1930s.

    Short Info or Summary about Divine Mercy Devotion

    In the 1930's Jesus made Sr. Faustina Kowalska His "secretary" of Divine Mercy. She wrote everything He said and instructed in her diary. It was eventually published and now we know it as Divine Mercy in My Soul.

    "Under the Old Covenant, I sent prophets to My people with thunderbolts. Today I am sending you with My mercy to the whole of mankind. I do not want to punish anguished humankind, I want to heal it, pressing it close to My Merciful Heart." - Jesus (Diary, 1588)

    Her written work was previously banned due to wrongly translated Italian copies but eventually it was lifted. After further investigation on her writings and everything else that went on for decades she was eventually canonized as a saint by Pope John Paul II on April 30, 2000. Before and after that day, the Divine Mercy devotion spread and is continuously growing worldwide.

    What About Divine Mercy Sunday?

    Because it's best to hear from the experts, I will share a video instead. Here's a short explanation on what it is and the spiritual benefits Jesus will bestow upon participants.

    Is There Any Divine Mercy Outside of Catholicism?

    Well I'm happy to say there's also a Greek Orthodox version of the Divine Mercy image. Isn't that amazing? I thank Jonathan Roumie (The Chosen series) for that tidbit of information! Haha.

    If you know of any other Christian denomination practice concerning this then feel free to share. Otherwise, for non-Catholics, I can only suggest that you pray to God more often and ask what you should do in terms of this topic.

    What Did Jesus Mean By Saying "Bring to Me Souls..."

    Now we go to the novena proper. It's a good thing the nearest church where I live is dedicated to the Divine Mercy. For more than a decade I didn't appreciate that fact until my spiritual renewal last year.

    Parish of the Lord of Divine Mercy in Sikatuna Village, Quezon City. Regally decorated for Divine Mercy Sunday fiesta.

    Fast forward to Lent this year, I was excited to join the novena and Divine Mercy Sunday! Woohoo! Finally I can gain the benefits! Of course since it was my first time joining, I was absolutely clueless how it was done.

    Well yeah I read there are nine different prayers to pray each day but I thought that was it. Hahaha. I did not read anything much prior to attending the novena at church. Despite going to a recollection last year (by Fr. Chris Alar which I still haven't written about), I still didn't know much. 😆

    Freebies from the Divine Mercy recollection by Fr. Chris Alar back in July 2023.

    For example I read the nine prayers but wondered how to "bring souls" to Jesus. One of the nine starts like this image below:


    I did not truly understand how to "bring souls" to Jesus while praying until the fourth or fifth novena day. 😅 On that certain day I had issues with some people so I really had to pray for them. And then finally, that's the time I understood how to bring souls to Jesus. 😂 The individuals I had problems with fall into the category of the souls He's asking for on that day that's why I finally realized how and why.

    Praying without understanding the prayers is just going through the motions but once you can relate, boom! That's when we can truly pray with zeal and enthusiasm.

    Apparently the nine specific prayers are prayer intentions. Bringing souls to Jesus is like what we do when offering up our pains and struggles to God. We can think of someone or specific people or even a group of people with the same disposition and "offer them up" to Jesus. That's how we can bring souls to Him.

    So anyway what we did at church was pray the specific daily intention + various prayers + the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. There's actually a pamphlet being sold but I wasn't able to buy any. Huhu. Would probably have to wait next year so I can own a copy of what they were praying.

    Is There Proof of Any Divine Mercy Sunday Miracle?

    Well, I'm happy I finally finished what I call a full novena. Why? Because the ones I used to pray were just that, a repeat of one prayer to a saint everyday for nine days. That was it. Also I was the only one praying it. It didn't feel like anything happened afterwards too. Who knows maybe I was just dense to notice any miracle due to being tepid in the faith.

    Hey I had no clue as a lukewarm Catholic. Wasn't even that serious in praying 'em. I mean maybe I was but not like now that I'm becoming a devout Christian slowly but surely. 😁

    His Excellency, Most Rev. Honesto F. Ongtioco, DD, Bishop of Cubao, the Divine Mercy Sunday High Mass presider. This was taken during the sermon.

    As for the Divine Mercy Sunday itself, man, I believe God indeed made a change in me yesterday. The culmination of the novena is the 3 pm Sunday fiesta High mass. After communion I didn't feel any change immediately but somehow I felt happy. Finally I did everything required! Woohoo!

    Last night, for some reason I did not go home immediately. I decided to watch a movie in a theater instead. While I was in line to buy a ticket, a woman suddenly came up near the couple before me who were at the counter.

    I was the only other person waiting and she just popped out of nowhere looking at the movie schedules in the screens above the teller. I had an inkling she would cut in front of me.

    Sure enough right after the couple left she strolled up to the counter like she was next in line. Oh wow! The audacity, right? Usually I would get this intense anger bubbling up inside me until my mouth starts moving. Well hey at that moment my eyes were seeing what's happening but I was like... nothing. 😲

    Surprisingly, no rage built up nor bubbled inside of me. Normally that situation would have irked me. I would have immediately demanded she wait her turn and that she's rude bla bla bla. However I was like... I just looked at her, watched everything while it happened. Why was I not reacting like I should?

    My mind eventually made me come up beside her. Had to act upset while saying I was in line before her. Boy oh boy I must have said it too nicely because the teller and the woman didn't even bother with me at all. What the? 😂

    After the line cutter left, I repeated what I said to the teller. The lady apologized and said she thought I was a friend or companion of the buyer! And I still didn't feel angry at all. 😆 If that ain't a miracle I don't know what else to call it.

    The situation really surprised me. I swear I felt like a new person! Haha. I didn't expect that would happen to me when I had just eaten the Eucharist hours before and received God's graces through Jesus' Divine Mercy.

    A prayer card to Jesus via St. Faustina.

    Wow, that's unexpected proof that Jesus really meant what He said, the benefits of Divine Mercy Sunday is true! Glory to God in the highest I was temporarily changed by the bountiful grace of God. Alleluia! Thank you Jesus! May more people come back and become closer to God to finally be changed by Him. ✝💗

    If only I can keep being like that longer I'd be the happiest person alive. Haha. I don't know how long this will last but God knows I prayed for a change of heart. Hopefully this is the start of my true change for the better. I mean, who wants to be a dirty sinner everyday, right? I don't wanna feel yucky inside anymore.

    So anyway, that's my Divine Mercy Sunday testimony. How about you, do you have anything to share too?


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