It's Easier To Help Because You've Been There Before.

in voilk •  3 months ago

    Every Safe Journey Is A Blessing. (1).png

    Life comes in phases that can't be escaped, we can't escape these phases in life because we can't see or predict when they would come in the future. Every man go through these similar phases but in different ways. You might be in your happy moment while someone else would be in his/her lowest moment. I have enjoyed help and I have enjoyed helping others, I know how it feels to help other and to be helped too.

    Having godly and faithful friends will save you lot of stress and trouble; I was at my brokest level at a time last year, main reason was low cash and I couldn't think of anyway to make money aside my graphic design which wasn't bringing in money for me then. Some weeks before this time, I got close to a guy in my church who is also a musician. My introvert and reserved habit didn't allow me get so close to anyone amongst the musicians for close to 2 years but I somehow found a way to get close this guy; I never knew that getting close to him was a blessing in process. So, this particular day he came around to visit my hostel and I offered him the usual student best friend which was garri and sugar. We talked at lenght and I did not know I had almost told him the story of my life, I was so down that period.

    After cheering me up and making me feel better, I saw him off and when we shook hands to say goodbye, his hand met my hand with a 500 naira note. My goodness! I didn't expect that at all, it touched my heart because I had nothing on me at alo. That act of kidness to me that night was a typical example of 'little times matters'. I couldn't express how happy I was because he didn't wait to hear a thank you before he walked towards his direction. Gradually, we got even more closer that he allowed me stay over at his place when puts on his gen because of lack of electricity supply. Over time, we started sharing foodstuffs, go to church together and share ideas.

    Just about a month later, things got better for me and I had just connected with a graphic designer in church, we started motivatibg each other, share ideas relating to design, we also send reels to each other on Instagram. This particular graphics designer was having a rough time so he sent me a message on whatsapp asking if I had food at home. Luckily for him, I had just finished cooking beans when he sent me the message, so I asked him to come around. We shared the food together and still packed some for him when he was leaving. Other times, he would come to stay over at my side too and it continued for a while. When things became soft for him, he showed appreaciation

    I think it was more easy for me to help him at that time because I was once in his shoe, I could relate to how he felt at that time. I did everything I could to make him feel good just like how my friend did for me when I was down. I was proud of myself that I could replicate that act of kindness; actually, there is this joy beyond expression I feel whenever I am able to help others. Help doesn't have to be a big thing, might be so little; little things actually matters.

    Thank You For Reading Till The End

    Posted Using InLeo Alpha

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