Where’s the Money?

in voilk •  10 days ago


    "I don’t like the idea of seeing my money in some numeric value. It’s my money, it should be in my pocket; not in some digital wallet showing you the figure that you can’t touch or feel."

    The world has moved past your idea Rebecca, what you are thinking is okay if you were in Viking age forging swords and counting coins at the end of the day. You are in a far advanced world where people trust their money in bank and satisfied seeing the numbers in their mobile apps.

    Or, say, print it out of thin air and see it rising and decreasing in value in some digital wallet — they call it money too. That they have never seen.

    Strange, isn’t it?

    The quoted lines in the beginning was a glimpse of a long conversation I was having with my colleague going to the workplace. A nice human she is. And a bit different than many others working there, don’t like to interact much and always busy minding her own business. Nice human, indeed.

    As we were rushing towards the workplace, she was talking about how many papers we use a day. Sometimes we use more than necessary and she was concerned how many trees had to fall down to supply us with that voluminous pile of papers. Is it really a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach when our company brags about a greener world. On a certain point, she asked me if the company exists in my country too which I said no. Then I explained what could be the possible reasons behind this and contextually, talked about some digital monetary service which also happens to be non-existent in mine.

    Ah, it doesn’t matter — I don’t really believe in all those systems. She emphasised.

    You know, that money thing I mentioned in the beginning. Maybe she is just too naive to believe in some numeric value that involves other than banks (she got to believe in banking system as she gets paid in bank accounts). Perhaps she has some bad experience with one of those cross-country digital wallets and now distrusts them. Or, whatever it is; not my concern.

    The thing is, when I talked about blockchain and the never-be-seen money, she seemed hesitant. Later she mentioned how she wanted to invest in some assets but never happened. Perhaps she was hesitant to disclose her intention as she mentioned how she distrust those numbers. I wish I could enlighten her with the system but I doubt I understand it myself.

    People who aren’t involve in this world barely understand the system. Even people involved lacks knowledge how things work; I am an example. Most people don’t believe continuous efforts and contributions can be rewarded in monetary value. The reason is simple, “show me the money.”

    Since such kind of infrastructure is still not available across the world where you can withdraw your money like debit cards, suspicion is not uncommon. I remember one of my family member asking me to show where my money is, and I showed her the wallet. She asked me to give it to her, I couldn’t. She laughed and laughed. I laughed too. Cause my money was saved from spending.

    After all these years, when I think about this bullish and bearish pattern, I feel hesitant too; like my colleague. Cause when it goes down I feel like now is not the good time to withdraw, it isn’t to be honest. When it goes up I feel the same, what if it goes higher. Then again, I think what if die without withdrawing whatever little amount is there — nobody has access to it. All my efforts over the years for nothing? This bear and bull; maybe I won’t be able to withdraw ever— or, maybe I think too much.

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