When the week ends there is always something left to do after work and that is to play the weekly tournament of the community's favorite game season
Last time was a bit complicated and I couldn't even score among the top 10 but this time I arrived early and sat at the computer to wait patiently to play
And I think that playing from the beginning has given me some confidence or at least a small advantage to get all the points possible from today's arena
As always, many excellent players and most of them with a lower rating than I think they should have, are really hard to beat and even at some point I was beaten by one of these
I focused on playing solid and understanding that bullet chess is sometimes won simply by having more time than the opponent, hence the mistakes are forced and sooner or later you end up winning
That's what happened to me in many of today's games and in fact I got a comfortable second place because I spent most of the tournament resisting attacks and taking advantage of the opponent's mistakes once I had a short time
I think that's the advantage of playing bullet chess most of the time, although I still missed out on first place by a very narrow margin.