A Journey through My Story

in voilk •  4 months ago

    Greetings to all! I am @jonabels.

    I am 24 years old and hail from Tuba, Benguet, Philippines, a picturesque mountain town that not only serves as a "Gateway to Baguio" but also offers a stunning mountainous setting. Currently, I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at the University of the Cordilleras, where I am in my third year of college. I come from a large family with 8 members. I am the second oldest among my siblings. I have two brothers and three sisters.


    I may lack the beauty of others,
    I may not possess their eloquence,
    I may struggle to comprehend certain things,
    Perhaps I am one of the darkest individuals.

    I am not the nicest,
    Nor the tallest in stature,
    And I may not possess the sharpest wit,
    However, I am, and forever will be, a proud Igorot.

    Looking back into my life, I have faced a lot of tough stuff. It's been a rough ride, from family problems, to feeling unsure of myself and even struggling in school. But I've come to know that every time I get knocked down, I find a way of getting back up and even more strength inside me than I realized. I've learned to not give up when things get tough and be thankful for what I have, even in times of hardship.

    I am proud of who I've become. I have learned to be happy for the good things, no matter how small, and to keep going even when things don't go my way. And as I keep going in life, I will always remember what I've been through and use it to keep moving forward. I'm hopeful for what's to come, and I know I've got what it takes to face whatever challenges come my way.


    I have numerous hobbies, such as music appreciation, badminton, and swimming. However, my personal preferences lean towards volleyball and exploring new destinations through traveling.

    I started playing volleyball in grade school, and I had an intense interest in the sport. As soon as I entered on the volleyball court, I was captivated by the thrill and fervor of the sport. Engaging in volleyball not only assists me in maintaining my physical fitness but also serves as a great stress reliver. It has been my favorite sport since the beginning, providing me with countless hours of enjoyment throughout the years.

    My volleyball adventure started with a lot of obstacles and disappointments. Mastering essential skills such as passing, setting, and serving requires immense dedication and countless hours of training. Despite facing moments of frustration and letdowns, I have not given up. I continuously push myself to enhance my performance during practices and matches, recognizing that each obstacle presents a chance for growth. Playing volleyball as a hobby has had a huge impact on my life, teaching me priceless lessons about perseverance, resilience, and collaboration. But without the element of desire, this volleyball trip would not have been conceivable.

    As an athlete, my aim has always been to progress to the best of my abilities and to gain a comprehensive understanding of the game.

    Travelling is another one of my passions. I enjoy travelling because it allows me to develop and discover new things. Everywhere I travel, I have the opportunity to learn more about the locals, their history, and their cultures. I get to experience new things, travel to new locations, and try different cuisines.

    When I travel, I can also relax and get away from the everyday grind. I can set aside my studies and daily duties for a while. By immersing myself in the present moment, I relish the feeling of being in a new environment. In this way, I may recharge myself and return home with more vitality and energy.

    During another weekend, my family spent time together. We make plans in advance, and it's always enjoyable and relaxing when the time comes. Weekends are particularly great because we have the freedom to explore and chat with each other in a less supervised environment compared to our home. Family travel is truly amazing because it will be etched into the depths of your memory forever.

    I believe that by joining Hive, I have been able to share my experiences and thoughts, which has also helped me enhance my writing skills. I have never regarded myself as a proficient writer, and I expect to face numerous challenges and mistakes along the way. Therefore, I kindly request your understanding for any grammatical errors that may occur.


    I would like to express my gratitude to my uncle, @suteru, for introducing me to this wonderful platform called Hive. I ask for your guidance and support as I navigate this new experience.

    It is a delight to be here, and I want to believe that we will uphold each other all through this journey.

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