The Magic Greens

in voilk •  3 months ago

    A rattling sound coming from the bars in the window woke Amani up. She had been locked up in a small dark room. The only place where light came in was a small pane window crossed by bars. For a minute she wondered what had caused the sound until she saw green apple fruits drop in from the window of different sizes. Surprised, she stood up and walked toward the window hoping to see from where the apples came in from but no tree was found around the vicinity.

    She went back and squatted beside the piles of grain as she admired how freshed they looked. She was still picking the fruits to feel how fresh they felt when she noticed a curved little banana shaped fruit only that it felt hard. A further look into it she noticed a liquid in it and soon dawn on her that it was a potion.
    "Oh my god! She exclaimed as she tried to break out, things were gradually getting clear why she had been locked up with no cause, someone, probably a sorcerer, was planning to invade the land and she suspected someone close to her dad.

    Picture by @wakeupkitty

    She had been accused wrongly and was locked up, it could only be Aureka! Benzar. He was the only one who knew she had magical powers and the only way to succeed in his plan was to lay up a conspiracy for her to be locked up. She held the potion and tried to know what it was made of, but her greatest desire was to find a way outside the small prison.

    The neighing of horses sounded from afar as mist of dust disturbed by horseshoes rose approaching the kingdom. Tension grew among the people as warriors moved to and fro in preparation for battle. Amani stood beside the window and watched Benzar approach with the chariots using magic to break the defenses that had been formed. A surge of anger roused within Amani and this only introduced a new strength within her she had never seen. The green fruits that had dropped piled up and formed into some creature as they broke the window and led Amani out.

    The fight grew intense as Amani and Benzar exchanged their magical powers while the rest of the army fought between themselves. The king stood amazed as he watched Amani doing magic, a thing he had forbidden in the kingdom lied within his daughter. In order to establish a kingdom where magic reigns, Benzar had tried to capture the kingdom to build his. The fight grew strong , but at the end of it, Amani became victorious and since Amani saved the kingdom with magic, a new law was introduced that accepted people who were different with magical powers.

    This is in response to the Contest by freewritehouse. It's still active for participation

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