Vegan energy moon cake for full moon day / 満月の日のヴィーガン月餅

in voilk •  2 months ago

    Today there will be full moon. It is said that our energy is full on a full moon day, and just looking at the round moon makes me feel good.

    A few days ago, while taking a walk and looking at the growing moon, I decided to make moon cakes for the first time in a while. I serve it at the local market when the full moon day is approaching, and I make it vegan, without eggs or dairy.

    Mooncakes are a sweet treat that I have fond memories of buying with my mother and grandmother in Yokohama's Chinatown in Japan and enjoying them with bitter tea at my grandparents' place.

    This time, I made the filling without sugar and it turned out to be nicely and naturally sweet, besides being heavy, so I decided to leave a note on how to make them on the full moon day.

    You need a special mold to add the unique pattern on mooncakes, but it is not that expensive, and considering the fun of making mooncakes, I think it is worth the investment.

    I think you can make it without a mold but with your hands too.

    Here is my recipe. Give it a try 🥮 😉

    Ingredients (for 10 pieces)


    • 100g boiled azuki beans (not sweetened)
    • 40 g nuts and seeds of your choice such as walnut, cashew, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds
    • 60 g sweetened dried fruits such as dates or raisins
    • 20 g black sesame paste
    • 1 pinch of salt (very very little)


    • 120g flour
    • 30 g molasses + 30 g agave syrup or maple syrup (if you want to color the dough such as with matcha tea powder, use 60 g agave syrup or other light-colored syrup as molasses is too brown)
    • 25 g sesame oil
    • 1 pinch of baking soda (very very little)
    • 15 g water


    • 2 tablespoons water
    • 2 tsp agave syrup or Maple syrup


    1. Let's start with the filling. Put all ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend. Start slowly so that you don't brake your device ... I once did ...
    2. When the filling is ready, refrigerate it for about an hour. You can also prepare it the day before.
    3. Put the ingredients for the dough in a bowl and knead by hand. Be careful not to add too much baking soda otherwise the dough gets too puffy and the pattern on top won't be clear.
    4. Divide the filling into 10 equal portions and roll into a ball.
    5. Divide the dough into 10 equal portions and roll them out.
    6. Roll out a dough ball and wrap the filling. It might be easy for the first time to roll out the dough between two pieces of plastic wrap, remove the wrap on top, place the bean paste on it and wrap it. Shape it in a ball.
    7. Put the ball into the mold and press it. Then press it out from the mold.
    8. Bake the moon cakes in 150°C oven for 10 minutes. Be careful, if the temperature is too high or baked too long, it will be too fluffy and the pattern will not come out beautifully.
    9. Take out the moon cakes from oven and let them rest for 10 minutes. At this time, mix the syrup ingredients and give a brush on top. It will give a nice shine.
    10. Bake again in the oven at 150°C for 12 minutes.
    11. If you have time, let the moon cakes sit for a few hours or half a day.

    Now they are ready to be served! Enjoy the full moon while eating 🌝

    This time I made it without coloring the dough because it was a small amount, but if you make a lot, it is fun to make colored dough as well. You can color it with raspberry powder or matcha green tea.

    My partner travels to attend a meeting today and took 5 pieces to eat with his colleagues. I put them together with a bag of jasmine tea, which really fit well with moon cake. Jasmine tea was one of my grandmother's favorite teas and I always have some in my kitchen.

    Have a nice full moon day!

    🥮 🥮 🥮








    • ゆで小豆 100g (甘みなし)
    • ナッツ 40g
    • デーツや干しぶどうなど甘味のあるドライフルーツ 60g
    • 黒ごまペースト 20g
    • 塩1つまみ(極々少量)


    • 小麦粉 120g
    • モラセス 30g +アガベシロップまたはメープルシロップ 30g (抹茶などで生地に色をつけたいときはモラセスだと茶色が強すぎるのでアガベシロップなど色の薄いシロップ60g)
    • ごま油 25g
    • 重曹 1つまみ(極々少量)
    • 水 15g


    • 水 大さじ2
    • アガベシロップまたはメープロシロップ 小さじ2


    1. 具から作り始めます。すべてブレンダーかフードプロセッサーにすべての材料を入れて攪拌します。結構力が必要なのでゆっくり攪拌し始めるとよいです。(私は力を入れて押し込んで、一度ブレンダーを壊しました・・・)
    2. 具ができたら冷蔵庫で1時間ほど冷やします。前日に作って冷やしておいても。
    3. 生地の材料をボウルに入れて手でこねます。重曹の入れ過ぎには注意が必要です。膨らみすぎるときれいに模様が出ません。
    4. あんこを10等分して丸めます。
    5. 生地を10等分して丸めます。
    6. 生地をのばして具を包みます。サランラップで挟んで伸ばして、上側のサランラップをめくって、その上にあんこを置いて包むとスムーズです。
    7. 型に入れてプレスして成形します。
    8. 150度のオーブンで10分焼きます。温度を高くしすぎると一気に膨らんで模様がきれいに出ないので、温度が高くなりすぎなように、時間にも注意して焼きます。
    9. いったんオーブンから出して10分ほど休ませます。このときにシロップの材料を混ぜて刷毛で上部に塗ります。いい感じの照りが出ます。
    10. 150度のオーブンで再度12分焼きます。
    11. 時間があれば数時間から半日おいて味を馴染ませます。

    できあがりです!満月を楽しみながらめしあがれ 🌝 今回は少量だったこともあり、生地に色をつけずに作りましたが、たくさん作るときは色付きの生地も作っても楽しいですよ。ラズベリーパウダーや抹茶で色をつけます。



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