steady and consistency.

in voilk •  4 days ago


    Whenever we do start new things we are full of energy but as time passes by we do forget about many things and slowly the energy and the motivation get lost in the way if you can manage to do this and can maintain this kind of energy throughout the entire journey. But not all of us can do this if you think that two differentiate us from others are differentiate them from others because they are consistent towards where they are doing at the beginning we have we do a mixer which amount goes but as time passes by we are not able to maintain the consistency.

    But the consistent people will make the goals very small they don't make it very big because big goals are not easy to achieve but small goals can be achieved easily and as time passes by we do realize that we are making huge progress and I think that is a great thing. There are a lot of stories about the success of consistency and studying study if you are consistent it doesn't matter whatever you do if you can maintain this for a longer period then you might see the results. I am sure you must have heard the story of the tortoise and the rabbit at the beginning at the race venue to realise that the rabbit is going to win and that was pretty obvious but by the end of the story we have seen that the tortoise win the race in that was very surprising for everyone.

    So I think if you are consistent and if you can maintain but you are doing consistently you will see the progress in yourself it does matter but you are doing some good things that you will see improvement in yourself if you are doing bad things then you will also see the impact of that in yourself or your life as well. Try to start something from minimal steps because if I starting from big steps in the early days we are full of motivation. Still, by making bigger goals be might and I'm losing interest because you can achieve them in the early days but if you lose interest or if you are not able to achieve your whose then you might be motivated. Slowly you will lose interest in the goals you are planning so in the end consistency matters always remember why you have started make a call or make a mindset before starting anything that will help you to motivate.


    Thanks for your support love and encouragement see you tomorrow till then take care.

    stay tuned for more fantastic Content

    -------stay safe and be motivated-----------

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