Sound that annoyed me most

in voilk •  5 months ago

    This topic actually makes me think deep concerning sound that irritate me most, When we're talking about irritating something, it's a kind of things that won't make you feel comfortable anywhere you are. Actually I'm a kind of person that I don't like to go along with anything I don't like or irritate me, it used to get me upset and I won't be happy with myself, so in other not to be having sad mood because of this, I do all it takes to avoid anything that will make me to act the way I just mentioned. Now when we're talking about sounds that irritates, I have lots of sounds that irritates me alot, that I don't like to stay in that kind of environment where I can hear the sounds

    But out of all this irritating sounds I'm talking about, the one that irritate me most is SNORING WHILE SLEEPING🛌😡!!!Ohh my God, it really do irritate and make me feel sad to the extend that my mum do ask me why I ate someone that snore soo much like this, I just couldn't answer the question, but all I know is that I hate to hear that snoring sound while I'm sleeping


    Though to be sincere, snoring is not something people do intentionally do, some people snore just because maybe they over worked or over used their body during the day time and later affect them in the night which might probably make them weak. While some people snore because of having fat in the body, it's what I noticed, most fat people do snore while sleeping, some of them will even snore while sleeping in the day time. The thing is anything that makes me discover that you are the type that snore, I will never sleep beside you because if I do, I'll never be able to sleep till day break. And once that kind thing happen for once, I'll start avoiding you anytime we want to sleep... Reason is you'll make me uncomfortable all through the night. It has happened to me many times that this snoring hold my sleep, I had sleepless night just because my mind was there althrough the night. I don't know how to make jeez of people neither do I know how to abuse, and thinking of abuse, snoring is not something you should abuse someone for because it's a natural thing, it's just that it irritate me and make me feel uncomfortable all the time.

    This is the sound I could say it irritate me most and I always avoid people that give these sound while sleeping not because of any other things but because I want to be able to have a good sleep😡

    Thanks for reading through my entries Hive ghanian's

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