My Actifit report card : Feb. 25 2024

in voilk •  5 months ago
    Hello friends, how are you guys? I hope you guys are doing well. Today, I am going to talk to you about meditation. According to my experience to date, I will try to tell you about meditation. Since the age of about eighteen, I have been very interested in spiritual matters. During this period, I came into contact with many people doing spiritual practice, and I was influenced by them.

    Because of this spiritual thirst, I have searched for spiritual gurus and saints in many pilgrimage centers and in the mountains of the Himalayas. And with their guidance, I have come to know about meditation in detail. Today I will share a method of meditation with you. If you go to meditate, your mind will give you more trouble. Before meditating, many more thoughts will start coming into your mind, and you will be upset. To calm your mind, you have to sit near the wall on a yoga mat in a room. You can sit in any posture. Your spine should be straight. Close your eyes. And watch your mind. How it thinks. How long it stays on one thought. Just watch, don't block it; see it empty. The mind has a nature; it doesn't stay long on one thought.
    Look at it. Like you are standing on the side of a road, watching the traffic, just like you are the witness. I'm just a spectator; I am not the mind; I am not the body. I am different from them. And watching, I am the almighty that consciousness. I am the soul; I have nothing to do with the mind. This will result in not seeing the mind; the mind will slowly stop creating thoughts. This will give you a different sense of peace. And joy will start springing inside. The effort to calm the mind only brings more thoughts into the mind. That's why, to be a witness and watch the mind and break ties with it, I am standing apart. Imagine this, and you will see that your mind will become calm.
    Photos captured by@mulikogee
    LocationPanvel,New Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
    Camera DeviceVivo Y20G
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