Testing Rebellion monster - Pallus

in voilk •  5 months ago

    Hello guys, this is my entry to the "Splinterlands Social Media Challenge!". If you want to participate and read more about the challenge, click here.

    The Rebellion edition is the latest edition of cards in splinterlands and there are a lot of new summoners and monsters which came out with this one. Each week I focus on different monsters and talk about them in detail with strategies that best fit them. This week, we have an epic unit, Pallus, a powerful griffin who deals a lot of damage.

    Let's start by looking at its stats in detail.


    8 POINTS
    Flying, Reach

    Pallus is an epic neutral unit that came out during the recent Rebellion sale. It is a high mana cost unit costing 8 mana to use but it comes with some impressive stats. It deals significant melee attack damage and comes with armour of its own. Its 'Flying' ability helps it dodge more attacks, especially against melee and ranged attackers. This melee attacker comes with 'reach' ability so you can use it as a secondary tank in your battle. I will show you how I utilised it in one of my battles.

    My Lineup

    This is my lineup for the battle

    Avina of the Wolf
    Position 1
    Time Meddler
    Position 2

    It was a 21-mana cap battle with Standard ruleset.

    All the elements were active during this battle. I went with Avina of the Wolf which gives two options: +2 speed to two units or give 'heal' to one unit. Well, I wanted to give my Pallus the 'heal' ability so I used it.

    Time Meddler was my tank for this battle as it comes with the 'Dodge' ability that has increased the 25% dodge chance from the damage received from melee and ranged attackers. That was the main reason to put it in the first position. But its attacking strength is impressive on its own, dealing 2 magic attack damage on its own. It wasn't cheap though, cost 8 mana. It comes with 4 armour shield which helps a lot too.

    The next and the last one in my lineup was Pallus. I used it in the second position as it can attack even from there because of its 'reach' ability. Moreover, it comes with the 'flying' ability so it would have more miss chance too. It also costs 8 mana but is worth that as it deals 3 melee attack damage and has a good amount of health with a shield too! I made it last much longer by giving it the 'heal' ability during the tactic stage of the battle.

    Now that my lineup was set, it was time for battle.

    I will share my battle here, which I have uploaded to YouTube.

    My Strategy

    It was a standard ruleset with no restrictions on the element that I could use so I went with the Life as I wanted to use the summoner Aviana of the wolf so that I could give the 'heal' ability to my Pallus which helps it last even longer in the battlefield.

    But as it had the 'reach' ability too, I used it in the second position which I feel is the best position for Pallus in your lineup. So, we can use a more defensive unit at the front of the lineup and shield your attacking Pallus at the second position. I used the Time Meddler as my tank in this battle as it had good armour and 'dodge' ability. I just went to those two units in the battle which was more than enough!

    This strategy, as you will see, worked in my favour and gave me a comfortable win in the end.

    My opponent went with a similar strategy. They used the Lily Shieldpaw which increased the health of all their units and gave them 'camouflage' ability. Their tank was Uriel the Purifier which they spent most of their mana on and it attacks only every other round but that damage is 3x the normal damage. This looked like an interesting strategy.

    But it didn't go as planned for my opponent as the 3x damage was just spent trying to get rid of my tank's armour. So, the first couple of rounds were bad for them while Uriel the Purifier was taking a lot of damage.

    The third round was the charging round for their tank which was enough for my units to get rid of him and that placed the Aria Bandit in the first position, which was just a ranged attacker and couldn't even attack from that position. So, it was basically over at this point.

    My Pallus didn't even have to use its heal ability which was given by my summoner. This was a pretty easy win for my team.


    As you just saw in the above battle, Pallus plays a crucial role in your lineup, not only does it increase the attacking strength of your lineup by dealing heavy melee attack damage, but it also adds to the defensive strength and having it in the second position in your lineup is the optimal place that I can easily recommend.

    Being a neutral unit, you can use it in many compositions and can experiment a lot with this. It works well in medium to high-range mana cap battles. It is extremely effective against melee and ranged attackers as it comes with the 'flying' ability too. I recommend it. Let me know if you find it useful as well.

    Thanks for reading...

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