Frapuchino to accompany today's dinner

in voilk •  3 months ago

    💕 Hello Hive Community! 💕

    Frapuchino to accompany today's dinner.png

    Whenever I talk about food, I always have to talk about coffee. And if I'm going to eat, I look for my cup of coffee to go with it. I almost always serve myself a cup of hot coffee, but today things were a little different. I was on the street, shopping for my Beauty Room and I just went out without lunch, which I regretted a few hours later. So I decided to go to one of my favorite places, which is the bakery that is located in the mall here and enjoy a nice time while eating something.


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    Obviously, every time I come to the bakery I have to stick to a coffee, as they make one of the most delicious coffees in my entire city here. I think this is a place that I have always frequented, since it opened I have not stopped coming here. And just when I'm arriving to the place, it occurs to me that I had to order a coffee, since I have a couple of months asking only for hot coffee and, although they are very delicious, I always like to vary from time to time one of the phrases that I say most when I'm creating content, the truth.



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    So I ordered myself a chicken farmer and paired it with Frapuccino. I think I couldn't have been wrong with the decision I made, since the Chino was really good and, since it was kind of cold, it suited me very well with the sandwich I was eating. One of the things I like most about the Frappuccino is that it has a very intense coffee flavor, you can't really taste the milk or the chocolate, but you know they are there.



    And I should mention that I like the Frapuchino with cream, but this one didn't have it and well, I didn't dislike it too much, it's just something to point out. I really enjoyed the time I spent here with my drink, I had a nice time chatting with my mom and also eating, haha. I hope you enjoyed this experience, see you soon coffee lovers!

    Pictures of my property.
    Exclusive Content for HIVE.
    Camera: Apple iPhone 13.

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