A new era

in voilk •  3 months ago



    From the darkness of deep space, the ship Exodus glides toward the planet Ark.

    On board travel the last remnants of humanity, refugees from a dying Earth.

    -Detecting life forms on the surface, -announces the ship's AI.

    -Habitable atmospheric composition. Proceeding to land.

    The ramp descends with a hiss, allowing a blast of cool air into the cabin.

    The expedition leader inhales deeply before taking the first step into her new home.

    An alien world of lush blue vegetation spread out before her.

    Winged creatures dance in the sapphire air. In the distance, huge mushrooms released clouds of iridescent spores.

    She smiles, tears of relief running down her cheeks.

    -Welcome to Arca, our second chance. Here we will rebuild our home, in harmony with this virgin land.

    With renewed hope, the colonists descend into the sapphire fields, leaving behind the charred remains of Earth.

    A new era has begun for the human race, one in which they will learn to live in symbiosis with a living, breathing world.

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