in voilk •  5 months ago


    February is indeed labeled as the month of Love just for one reason which is the valentines day celebration, I believe if there wasn’t anything like February 14(valentines day) in the months of the calendar, every month would’ve been considered just an ordinary month and not really celebrated, except for our birth months and some other special months of the year…

    The month of February surly do hold a very special meaning to many people out there, especially to our female genders out there and our couples of the year 😂, i am sure we all understand what i am trying to say, I am talking about the valentines day celebration; a day specifically set aside just for couples to celebrate themselves and their unending love and bond, that is what many people out there define valentines day as, and I strongly disagree with that definition, if not totally, i do to an extent…

    I believe February 14 is more than just a day for couples only, I believe it is a day all relationships are meant to be celebrated for one reason or the other, when i say all relationships, I mean relationships like friendship, siblingship, couples ship, and many other ships there is out there, I also believe it is day set aside for expressing happiness, togetherness and love in diverse ways, either through words of appreciation, affirmation, through gifts or anything, it’s just all about spreading love around and not just for couples

    I also believe everyday is worth celebrating and not just special dates, being alive to witness every new day is another reason to be appreciative, well that is that about that, let’s move on with what i have for you all today…

    When it comes to receiving gifts from others, i haven’t really been gifted many times, it’s just few times and that to on special occasions, I haven’t been too lucky in that aspect, and guess what?, i am not really expectant of such because I have only given a few deserving people in my life gifts, which might probably be why i don’t really get gifts from many people, but I sure do get from my real gees, so that also counts…

    The best gift i have ever received in my life came from my girlfriend, this was about a year ago or thereabout, She happened to get me a CHAIN WRISTWATCH for my last year birthday, i can still remember the excitement and joy i had that day after unboxing the gift she gave me that day. I have always loved watches since my school days but I stopped wearing one when I graduated high school, so having my first ever chain watch was indeed a blessing, i really appreciated her for the gift because i was so happy and lost for words…

    It was indeed a very special gift, i was elated and honored to have gotten such a wonderful birthday gift from her…


    This is indeed a very big question for me at this moment lol, i have a very long list of what i want as a gift from anyone out there, don’t be surprised when you see my lists, and guess what, i will be arranging it in the other of their relative importance, here are they;…

    • LAPTOP

    In summary, the above listed are the few things i want as a gift, these things are arranged from the most important to the least important, either way everything is very important…

    In conclusion, let’s all come together to celebrate this month in a very special way, make up with you enemies, invite them over and talk things out over a couple of glasses and end it there, February is a month of love, so let’s keep spreading the love around…

    NB : image designed by me on canva…

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