Splinterlands Battle Mage Weekly Challenge - Equalizer

in voilk •  4 months ago


    Cover image from @splinterlands

    Hello everybody in the hive gaming community and to all on hive, this is my entry to the splinterlands battle mage challenge for this week. I am writing about a battle I fought earlier today.

    Ruleset and Its Meaning

    This ruleset is the equalizer ruleset which means that the initial health of all monsters is equal to that of the monster on either team with the highest base health.

    Summoner and Team Choices


    I chose this earth summoner, Obsidian to grant my cards +1 magic.

    Card number / positionCard
    1; Mycelic Morphidimage.png
    2; Goblin Psychicimage.png
    3; Regal Perytonimage.png
    4; Chaos Agentimage.png

    My Opponent's team selection


    My opponent chose this fire summoner, Tarsa which gave all my opponent's cards +1 health and +1 melee.

    Card number / positionCard
    1; Antoid Platoonimage.png
    2; Radiated Scorcherimage.png
    3; Tenyii Strikerimage.png
    4; Chaos Agentimage.png
    5; Goballano Soldierimage.png

    Round 1

    The summoner buffs took effect and before the battle began, my opponent attacked me with the Goballano Soldier reducing the health of my last card to 4.


    My third card, Regal Peryton attacked my opponent's first card with a magic attack of 2 and my opponent's last and third cards killed my last cards. My second card attacked my opponent's first card with an attack of 3 magic and my last card was not able to do any damage. My opponent attacked my first card with 2 melee attack.

    Round 2


    My third card killed my opponent's first card and my opponent's last and second card attacked my opponent with 5 melee making my last card have only 1 health. The second card of my opponent attacked my first with an attack of 2 melee but my healer healed my first card, attacked my opponent's first card with a magic of 3 and my first card attacked with 1 melee.

    Round 3


    My last card attacked my opponent's first card with 2 magic and my opponent's last card missed the attack on my last card. Unluckily, my opponent's second card killed my last card and my opponent's first card attacked my first with a melee attack of 2. Luckily, my second card healed my first and killed my opponent's first.

    Round 4


    My opponent's last card attacked my last card with 2 melee and my opponent's first attacked my first with 3 melee. My healer healed my first card and attacked my opponent's first with 3 magic.

    Round 5


    My opponent's last card attacked my last card reducing the health to 2 and my opponent's first card killed mine. My healer was now the only card on my team. It healed and killed my opponent's first card.


    Round 6


    My opponent attacked me, I healed and attacked my opponent's first card.

    Round 7


    My opponent's last card attacked my card and I reduced that of my opponent's to 1 health.

    Round 8


    I killed my opponent's first card and we were both left with a card each.

    Round 9 - Round 12


    Same attacks happened through round 9 to round 12 and I killed my opponent.

    I won this battle after 11 rounds. I owe this victory to Goblin Psychic especially in the last rounds as it was able to keep healing and attacking with 3 magic.

    Here is a link to the battle I just described. Click here
    to watch the battle

    Screenshots of the battle were all sourced from splinterlands.

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